Chapter Eighteen - Be My Forever

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But no sooner had I sat up, the door opened and Jackson walked in with a mug of tea. He must have noticed my anxiety because he placed the mug down immediately and sat down on the bed, pulling me into an embrace so tight I could barely breath.

"I meant what I said last night, You have me. From now, until forever."

I smiled and curved into the embrace. Like a ton of bricks reality fell on top of me, pummeling me. "Shit." I uttered.


"The showcase, it's in a few days and while I'm glad that disgusting piece of shit is in jail." I mumbled. "I don't have a dance."

"Amber, you don't need a partner, you never have. Anyone who has ever seen you dance has been completely captivated by you." Jackson leaned back and made sure to capture my eyes with his own. "I'm not just saying that because I love you either. I'm saying it because it is the truth."

"Be careful, if you inflate my ego too much we'll have to deflate my head before I can leave the room." I replied

"Maybe its part of my plan to keep you in this room." Jackson removed his t-shirt. "With me."

I groaned and covered my eyes. "We can't."

"Why?" Jackson replied, he sounded miffed, but I could tell he was joking.

"I have to talk to victoria about choreographing a new dance. Plus I have to find music, and a new costume." The thought frightened me, we were only a few days out and choreographing a quality piece usually took the entire semester. Not to mention the costumes were usually custom made. I had a lot of work ahead of me.

"Relax, you have me, and you have Daniel and I'm guessing you have everyone at NYAPA. We'll figure it out." Jackson grinned again, "but for right now, I'd like to figure something else out."

"Oh like?"

"If you're still naked under those covers"


I was late for class, but getting caught up in Jackson had been worth it. I was prepared for the onslaught of questions about Greg, although Victoria shut the class down right away. Once the class was practicing she pulled me aside.

"I had a call from the police department, they filled me in." she said softly. "Amber, I don't know how you face everything, you are such an amazing pillar of strength."

"Did you not see me the other day curled into a ball crying." I mused.

"Crying takes just as much strength as fighting back does." She smiled. "Look, i spoke to the manager of the dance company, and they've kept your place open."

I choked back a breath and shook my head. I'd left it so long, I had never even replied. My mind had been elsewhere.


"I told you they were impressed with you Amber. They want you, and they want you before anyone else gets you."

Jackson was the only one who could get me, I belonged to him as much as another person could belong to another person. I knew he'd support me this time though, everything was different now.

"The showcase..."

"If you want you can perform, but you'd be doing it for you. Your future is set in stone Amber, you are a dancer and you'll go far."

You'd be doing it for you, and everyone else who had ever been there for me. My parents, Jackson's parents, our grandparents and my best friends, Daniel and Jackson. Suddenly it didn't seem like work, everything fell into place and I knew exactly what I needed to do for the showcase.

I called tracey after class and asked if I could have Alice for the night. It had been so long, and I needed her to help execute my plan. Jackson had been right. I didn't need a partner, I needed my family, the ones who loved me. I was going to do this for them, with them.

I picked Alice up on my way home. We walked into the apartment, only to find it empty. Jackson wasn't home and neither was Daniel.

"Wheres everyone." Alice said placing her spider teddy down on the coffee table.

"I don't know, but why don't we get started on that special project I was talking about with your Mommy."

"Okay." She whispered.

I spent the next half an hour teaching her how to do a three move dance, perhaps unsurprisingly she was a natural mover. I caught it on camera just at Jackson was walking through the front door.

"Jackson!" Alice cried, she ran for the door and Jackson dropped the bag of groceries he was holding just to scoop her into his arms. I felt a pang of emotions twist my heart, Jackson looked over at me and smiled.

"Good thing I bought supplies to make Pizza!" He cheered. Alice laughed and cheered with him as he bent down to pick up the bag.

He carried the groceries and Alice into the kitchen before placing Alice down on a barstool and the bag of groceries down on the kitchen island.

"How was class?"

"We'll talk about that later." I smile. "Let's make dinner."

I looked over at the camera, as it pointed into the kitchen, the red light shone as it continued to film.


After dinner Daniel arrived home, we hadn't seen him since he had left for the meeting the night before with Kylie, Jackson wasted no time in giving him shit, and the two play fought while Alice and I laughed at them.

The boys sung to Alice together, and I caught all of it on camera. Special memories, moments than bound us together as a family. All perfect for what I had in mind for the showcase.

Once Alice was in bed I grabbed my laptop and walked out on to the balcony. I spent 20 minutes forming a montage. Jackson walked out when I was about halfway through with a glass of OJ. I closed the video making software down before he saw it.

"Juice?" He questioned.


"So did you decide about the showcase?" He murmured handing the glass to me.

I nodded. "I'm going to do it."

Jackson grinned and pulled me into a hug. "Did you need help organising anything? Music, costuming..."

"Actually, no." I curved into his embrace. "I've got it covered."

"You are the most resilient person I know." Jackson murmured.

I laughed, amused that the guy who had literally been stranded on an island in the middle of nowhere on the brink of death thought I was the resilient one.

"Is that funny?" He asked, sounding confused.

"I've I'm the resilient one, you must be a god."

I felt him take a deep breath. "You underestimate what you've been through Amber, but I don't. I watched you face your fears head on from the moment you walked back into my life. You inspire me."

I stood up and held my hand out to Jackson.

"Come." I whispered, and he smiled knowingly as his hand slipped into mine.

A/N - We're almost done! sorry about the lull between updates! I have all my computers back, so writing should move a lot quicker now :)

Song for this Chapter is Be My Forever, mostly because I thought it was cute haha

Love yas!

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