"I thought if we suprise you, you might like...I dunno." She huffs throwing her hands up in the air as if it offered an explanation to me as she gestured to my large bump. "Give birth in the middle of your hallway or something! Christ, I didn't want your waters breaking if some party poppers went off. I couldn't live with myself if that happened Charlie!" She stresses and I laugh at her words the mental image laughable when I thought it through.

"I doubt that would happen but thank you Ki." I hum smiling as I hand over money to the owner of the salon for the both of us and smiling softly. I hook my bag onto my arm texting Justin and telling him about where I am and my unexpected haircut. Despite still being slightly pissed with him for going to Vegas, I couldn't be bothered to drag it out forever. Honestly it's exhausting and I need him onside to grab my midnight snacks and cravings when I'm too tired to move after he comes back.

I link arms with Kia and we walk out of the salon, walking close to eachother as we walk down the road filled with expensive boutiques and home stores.

The two of us gaze through each window pointing out the things we like, we want to buy and the things which are just truly awful. I try my best to ignore the feeling of Kevin- today's security guard- following us and watching the surroundings for all risks as Justin told him to. This was the thing I hated most about LA, paparazzi and photographers seemed to be everywhere and having somebody follow me was a hard thing to adjust to at first in all honestly I don't think I'll ever get used to it but I can cope with it of course.

It's strange being monitored 24/7 by somebody I don't really know, perhaps I should make an effort to acquaint myself with the rest of Justin's security team. I'm probably beyond rude never really acknowledging them to be there. I really should give them all more credit. God knows where I'd be without these people and I don't even know their names. That's disgusting if I'm really honest.

Eventually we get bored and go to head back home to the house where everyone was apparently waiting. I'm still not sure how I feel about this but there's nothing I can do I suppose and it's not like I can throw everyone out when I get there, if nothing else it's a sweet gesture and I'm flattered that Ki and whoever else helped to organise this whole thing thought of me.

"Come here, let me fix your make up." Kia says after the car we're in pulls away and we head down the highway back towards home. Kiara has her powder out and I can see the tip of her eyeshadow palette peeking out her bag which makes me grin happily. The hours she used to take doing my makeup and then her own before we went out. She's the reason I looked presentable 75% of the time. She was the reason I looked presentable the time I met Justin at People.

I'm mostly quiet the whole ride back. Kiara grumbles a quiet curse everytime we go over a bump or I move my head and by the end of the car ride when we're pulling into the driveway which has 3 extra cars in I'm looking pretty good (even if I do say so myself). My nails have been freshly painted, my hair cut and styled and now my makeup looking even better than usual. I'm feeling pampered and extra gorgeous for the first time in a little while and it's nice.

"You have to act suprised okay?!" Ki whisper yells as as I nod quietly frowning at the harsh tone of her words. "And no breaking of water or any of that shit. Understand?!" She warns again glaring at me as I laugh and shake my head in amusement. I don't think my best friend or my boyfriend quite understand the concept of giving birth. I don't have much control over how or when it happens.

"I know Ki, calm down." I smile trying my best to hide my excitement. I brush the crease out on my sundress which covered my bump but was still somewhat comfortable, thankfully. I push my key into the door, turning it cautiously before pushing open the large wood door expecting a yell of loud 'suprise' or 'happy baby shower' or at least something like that's but there's...nothing.

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