chapter3 part 2

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As the day goes by I just can't seem to shake Drew and Vicki from my back. Every where I turn they are there waiting. Never together, no cause then everyone would see. I just have to make it threw 15 minutes then I have to get home to see my baby girl.

flash back....

"It's a girl, congradulations," says the doctor.

"Can I hold her?" I ask. "Aww my baby girl your so beautiful."

end of flash back...

bell rings

"Class is dismissed," yells the teacher as the entire class runs for the door.

"Tay can I speak to you," says some one to my left as I leave the classroom.

I didn't even have time to respond before I was roughly pulled into a janitors closest. It was pitch black, I couldn't see anything. But some thing was touching my arm. I reached out to feel with my other hand.

"That's my chest, if your wondering what your touching," said someone with a smirk. How do I know he's smirking you can here it in the voice. I am not going crazy trust me. But if he doesn't let me go then I'll go crazy. Why am I even here I need to get home. Why am I talking to myself, I should ask him.

"Why am I here?"

"You saw something yesterday, that I would rather not want to get out." says person unknown.

"Who the hell are you? And I didn't see anything yesterday."

" Drew.. we both know you saw." says Drew.

"Well don't worry Drew I'm not going to tell anyone that I saw anything when I didn't see anything. Your secrets save with me," I say harshly, " Now I have to go."

"Why wouldn't you tell, " Drew asked.

"1 I don't care, 2 I have no one to tell, and 3 I have better things to worry about then drama," I say as I look for the door.

"Here I'll get the door. Do you need a ride home I saw you waking yesterday?" he asks as he scratches his head nervously.

"No thank you, goodbye."


Finally, home with my baby girl. Nothing more I need. Her fever is down but she's sleeping it off. I need to cook dinner but am afraid of waking her, she looks so peaceful. I think will the smile on my face.

Just then a knock is on the door. I wonder who that is. I leave my baby's room to go see.

"who's there?" I ask as I walk up to the front door.

Just as I open it the person says "Its your mother."

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