Chapter 2

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I walked into the class room and headed straight for my seat in the back row next to the window. I kept my head down all the way to my seat only to see some one’s in my seat. I looked up to see who was there. Cause even though no one knows me they still no not to sit here. I look up to see Drew smirking at me. My first thought was he has lost his mind. But then I knew why he was sitting there it was first to piss me off and second to talk to me.

“Hey,” he smirks.

I just turned around and walked to the other side of the class room and sat down. But he didn’t give up, he just walks over to me .

“Hey I was talking to you,” he states.

“Well I wasn’t talking to you,” he just smirks at that.


“Class sit down right now,” Mr. Nelson interrupts Drew,” Now today class…….”

I zoned out after that. What should we have for dinner tonight? I guess I’ll cook spaghetti after I get off of work. Shit I forgot about work how am I going to get there. I’ll have to ride my bike there I’ll call after school and tell my boss Joe that I’ll be running late. I’ll head straight home after this and change into my work close. I’m tired of working at the sports shop but it pays good. I wont be home tell like seven tonight that means. I’ll call Shirley after I call work and tell her I’ll be running an hour late tonight.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I got hit in the head with a piece of paper. I looked up to see who throw it at me. From two seats away I see Drew staring at me mouthing to read the paper. I open it to seen in very sloppy handwriting “WE NEED TO TALK.” I look back up at him and shake my head no, then looked away. I didn’t look at him for the rest of class.

When the bell rang I jumped up from my seat and basically ran out of the door straight for my looker to put my things away and grab my phone. I slammed it shut and walked out of the school. I pulled out my phone and called Joe.

“Sports Store how may I help you today?”

“Hey Joe its Tay, I’m running a little late today.”

“Okay that’s fine.”

“Thanks I’ll talk to you later bye.”

“Bye.” I hung up my phone then called Shirley. She picked up on the second ring


“Hey , how’s everything going with Disarray?”

“Well she has a fever of 100’. She is a sleep now, but don’t worry.”

“ Okay do you need me to pick her up cause I can?”

“ That would be great but don’t you work today?”

“ Yeah but I am already running late so Joe wont care he can get some one else to work.”

“ K. What time will you be here?”

“ Well I’m just leaving the school parking lot, so in about half an hour.”

“ Ok see you soon. Bye.”

“ K bye.” Calling Joe back wasn’t that bad he just told me to take the rest of the week off and take care of my little girl. I need to fix my car soon cause I hate walking. I mean come on not only do I have to walk to and from school I also have forty-five minutes of P.E. everyday. Stupid school.

…..25 minutes later…..

And of course it had to start raining. If there’s a god I’m pretty sure he hates me, just saying. Knock, knock. Shirley open the door seconds later. ”Hey, Disarray is asleep on the couch you can wait tell she wakes up to bring her home if you want and just hang out with me or you can bring her home. Its up to you.”

“I’ll bring her home now, she always sleeps better there.”

“Okay honey I’ll get her stuff for you and walk it to your place if you grab her.”

“K thanks.” Shirley’s apartment is always so clean I don’t see how she can keep it like that. I walk over to the couch to she my little angle curled up into a little ball like thing. She’s so cute, I don’t want to wake her. I carefully pick her up trying my hardest not to wake her. Shirley is waiting at the door for me when I finally make it out.

“Thanks Shirley you’re a real big help I could never repay you, your amazing.”

“Your welcome honey and you don’t need to repay me as long as you bring this princess around to visit me.”

“Okay I can do that.”

“ I know your probably busy and stuff but how about you and Disarray come down for dinner on Sunday, my grandson is coming to visit?”

“Ummmm ok sure.” We make it to my place and say our good byes. I take Disarray to her bed and lay her under the blankets. She wakes up and smiles up at me.


“Hey baby girl, go back to bed. I’ll be here when you wake up k.”

“Ok mommy.” She closes her eyes and is fast asleep again. I go and sit on the couch and think about today. I have to call in sick the rest of the week now. At least I don’t have to see Vicky or Drew though. I clean my house and still am bored what am I going to do all week? Maybe I’ll take Disarray to the zoo, she hasn’t been to one yet and that’s fun to do. I have to go to the store tomorrow, I decide as I look in are kitchen to find the cupboards and fridge almost empty.


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