
193 16 6

(Calum's pov)

I stare at the unconscious boy on the hospital bed. The beeping of machines started to agitate me. The picture of Michael angered me. He was basically dead, the doctors are just giving him a few days to see if he'll do something. I know he won't, he can't. And if he does, it won't be the same.

I won't see him as much as I do now because his parents are blaming me. I'm the one who got the idea of being suicidal in his head. I've killed my best friend. The one who'd helped me through difficult times. The one who threw away everything I had access to.

"Excuse me sir, visiting hours are about to be ov-"

"Let me talk to my best friend!" I yell, wiping the tears that suddenly fell from my eyes. "Please." I shudder.

"Ten minutes." The nurse smiled and left. I take a glance at Michael.

"Why?!" I yell. "Why?! Why are you leaving me, Mikey?! We've been through everything together and now you want to go!" I sob. Michael's chest rose and fell, repeating the sequence of inhaling amd exhaling.

"Stop looking like that and wake up!" I shake him. "Wake up! I know you're in there somewhere just fucking wake up!" I continued to shake him vigorously, but I stop realizing that he was no longer breathing. I look at him nonchalantly as I am being pushed out of the room while doctors attempted to bring him to life.

All that I could think of now is that, I killed my best friend.

I killed my best friend.


He aint dead so shut up

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