Chapter 6- Still Into You

Start from the beginning

"Yes" I whispered in his ear. I got closer.


"Yes" I repeated and pulled him back, both of us laying down to face each other. Gerard smiled, and leaned in. Our lips touched and my stomach churned, filling up with butterflies, sending shock waves of sensation through me. I kissed back and deepened our kiss, pressing harder. Our lips moulded almost perfectly, it was meant to be. Gerard snaked his hand between us and round my waist, pulling me closer, before moving his hand up my shirt onto my bare chest. I jerked as he slid his tongue across my bottom lip and tugged on my lip ring, I groaned and he let out a small giggle, slipping his tongue into my mouth, I did the same and our tongues danced a happy rhythm of their own. Gerard pulled away slowly and sat up against his black head board, pulling me up too.

"That was perfect" He whispered panting.

"Yer..." I sigh, and rest my head on Gerard's chest, leaning backwards in-between his legs.

"You need to get off me by the way" He stroked my head and ran his fingers through my black fringe, pushing it back.. He looked so sexy when he did that.

"Why do I have to get off you" I furrowed my brows, caressing his calf's with my hands.

"Hmm.." He groaned then went serious, moving my hands away. "Because Mikey is going to come back from his 'pee' soon, and this will look weird, you laying on my and shit...okay?" I sniggered when he said 'pee' like a toddler! But he laughed to! I nodded and pushed myself away from his body, then sat cross-legged on hid totally rad quilt. He was amazing! He was everything I ever wanted! I loved everything about him...But Gerard likes Lyn-z! Hm. I'm so confused right now! Does he like me or not?! Mikey suddenly walks in slamming the door, scaring the jam out my doughnut!

"Agh! Don't do that!" I hissed, as he came and retrieved his old seat at Gerard's table. We sat there for a while, me just staring at Gee and Mikey dreaming into space; probably about unicorns... I like unicorns, but Mikey, he loves em'! When he has a spare moment he'll get out some girly pens and start drawing the little mythical creature everywhere! He drew one on my leg once... or was it my sock?. Nope nope! Take that back, it was a pair of white fingerless gloves I had on. He drew a bright pink unicorn with a rainbow mane and purple hooves and point. I got called a 'fag' the whole day! Mikes just laughed at the peril I was drowning in! I hate that word, 'fag', it just frustrates me and it's so stupid! Gerard was looking as his feet, His socks were like mine, except his were turning black "ha-ha" I chuckled and Mikey and Gerard both shot my weird looks. I looked away and reached into my trouser pocket again, taking out my phone. Ugh. 3 messages, and 6 missed calls from ...


The texts read something like this:

'Get home now! You're an idiot! Where are you for fuck sake! Reply goddamnit!'

'Where are you! Faggot get home NOW! Don't make me hit you! When you get home your gunna get what's coming to ya'! Everybody hates you! YOU'RE A STUPID PIECE OF FUCKING- TWAT!'

The last message hit me like a tone of bricks, He got me. One word was all he needed to say, before my whole face dropped and I felt like shit.


My phone slipped from my hand and my vision got a bit blurry from the liquid building on my lash line.

"Frank? Are you kay?" Mikey asked concerned, seeing that sad look on my face.

"...U-Uhh... Yep" Is all I managed to choke out. But Mikey knew I wasn't my best.

"C'mon Frankie, Tell me what's up!" He came over and nudged me in the tummy.

"..." I didn't respond, I just sat still... But I couldn't stay still for long, as Mikey stood in front of me, starting to tickle my sides. I giggled, and so did the Way brothers, I couldn't keep it in! they were just laughing and staring down at me as I rolled around on the bed.

"Okay! Okay! Just stop!" I gave in and sighed. Mikey chuckled, pleased, and sat down, back in his seat.

"It's my dad..." I groan, looking up at Mikey and Gerard's reaction. I itch my cheek and continue.

"Well, He's not very nice... In fact, he's not nice at all...and he wants me to go home, but if I go home, he'll beat me up again and I just get so sad and scared an- and I can't do it and I—"

"Again?" Gerard interrupted "What do you mean beating you again!?" He shuffled over and placed a warm comforting arm around my shoulders. My eyes welled up again and a flood of tears streamed down my cheeks, and down my neck.

"Oh Frankie..." Gerard said sympathetically and pulled me closer into a hug. I nuzzled my face into him and struggled down. "Mikey... go and ask mom if Frankie can stay the night, It's saturday tommorow, so it should be fine" Gerard says, looking over to Mikey, who leaves again, shutting the door tight behind him.


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