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Introduction and Clarification

Love can make you change to better or maybe for worst. Will it really be?

Meet Xandrake Zyclus Hades, one of the richest person in the world or should I say the richest man on earth. He got every luxury everyone would dream of. From luxury cars, mansions, resthouse, and etc. His company is known as number one when it comes to business in every industries.

But in that wonderful life, he also have a life more dangerous than being a billionaire and that is being.......

A leader of a Mafia which is strongest and deadliest in the world. A clever man who almost know everything and also knows the dirty systems on the underground which is very illegal and he knows every top secret a person have.

A man with every luxury in life is what eveyone dream to have but hard to achieve. But is having those things really makes life easier?

What if a man like him falls inlove with someone who doesn't like having relationship?

Will his coldheart melt down and be warmed again? Or will he become more than THE DEVIL himself for the one he love.


A cliche story of the author who have a weird mind. Everything in here is just an imagination so it might not really be applied in reality. But it can be applied in your imagination :D

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