McDonald's lovers

51 2 21

Requester: TyOrTyler

Prompt: This Hot Chocolate thingy, idk it's on Tyler's page.

Ship: JAYG3R and PeteZahHutt. Idk their ship name.

Genre: Who knows.

Warnings/Notes: This is kinda an alternative universe, but there are some similarities to real life. Also forgive any typos, I wrote this from 7pm to 11pm, somewhat without stopping. It's not that long, I just procrastinate and bunch. Also I have to be in the right state of mind.


Brandon walked into the place he's been a thousand times, McDonald's. Why does he go here you may ask? Well, it's simple honestly, he likes their Hot Chocolate.

In complete honesty, I've had better. But I just can't seem to beat the price. Plus the McDonald's I goes to is within walking distance, so there's that.

"Right on time." I hear a familiar Australian voice say from the counter. Brandon smirks to himself, "Right on time." He says so that only he can hear.

"If I knew any better, I would ask if you had my order ready. Though, I do know better so now I ask, how long will it take this time?" Brandon says sassily.

He's known this guy since he started working here 3 months ago. He knows his order completely, and the time I come. Though there always seems to be something that makes me stay longer.

2 weeks ago, he had decided to take his 15 minute break just a couple minuets before I came. claiming that he "forgot" I was coming.

Ha, like he'd believe that.

Last week the machine needed a cleaning, just because he was a measly 7 minutes late, Jay decided to do it then. Saying he thought Brandon wasn't coming that night.

Brandon rolls his eyes at the thought, Jay smirks at him from behind the counter. "I don't know, how long you got?" Jay says answering Brandon's question.

"Jay, you already are doing more than you have to, or even are aloud to." It's true, Brandon usually comes a bit after midnight, the McDonald's inside area closes at midnight. Yet, Jay keeps it open just for him. All of the lights stay on, whilst all but a table accompanied by two chairs, gets put away.

"Pish posh, I don't care. Besides, it gets lonely being here all alone." He says grabbing a cup and getting started on Brandon's Hot Chocolate.

"That was your choice, was it not?" Brandon question Jay, raising an eyebrow.

"Meh." That was all Jay answered, then he disappeared into the back.

Brandon decided to seize the moment and take a seat. Weirdly enough he had been on his feet all day, he couldn't wait to go home, with his Hot Chocolate, and play some good old fashion video games.


Brandon suddenly hears a yell coming from the direction Jay walked. He stood up fast and ran to the back.

There he sees Jay covered in boxes and cups. "So it's true."


"That you guys stalked up on cups some years ago, and that you keep some every here and there." Brandon states smirking at Jay's current state

"Uh, yeah. Us "guys" did."

"Interesting." He says jutting his hand out for Jay to take. He graciously excepts, though, Brandon accidentally pulls a bit too hard.

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