Heartbroken 2P!

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Lutz slowly nodded, smirking slowly. He walked over, letting his boots thud on the ground as he picked Italy up and over his shoulder where the small country flailed before getting tired and just lying there. Italy passed out from how much blood rushed to his head, once he was limp and what not, Lutz held him bridal style as he walked to his car, he wasn't going with Luciano. He was going to his own hiding place where he hid Romano. He didn't really wanna kill Romano but he would if he had to force Italy into a relationship with him..

It has been a few hours, traveling to Germany to where Romano was, in the abandoned warehouse. It was going to be hard hiding from Luciano but he had to do what he had to.

Italy was soon asleep, lying back, his small crumpled curl bouncing from the new found turbulence.

Italy was rather reassured that Lutz had his brother and the only way for him to stay alive is if he went with Lutz. Italy knew exactly what to do.. He wasn't stupid. He was the leader of the Italian Mafia after all.

Once in Germany, Lutz led him, showing him stuff he didn't know about. They soon got to the warehouse, Italy was back a bit, excitedly pacing before kneeling and tying his shoe, secretly taking his knife and hiding it in his sleeve. He then jogged, catching up and walking behind Lut, his eyes opened, gazing around before closing and continuing, taking notice too all of his surroundings as he walked.

Lutz opened the warehouse. Revealing it dark with small patches of lightly leading into it. He took out a flashlight from the sides where it has been hiding and turned it on, revealing a tired; hungry, and dehydrated brother. Italy gasped and scurried over, Lutz watching every movement.

"If jou want him untied, and alive.. Admit jou're in love vith me." He said, circling them slowly.

Italy was silent before shaking his head, "I am not." He stated, cutting the rope as fast as he could while Lutz walked over, kicking Italy to the side. "Jou are. But jou don't realize it." He growled, towering over Italy who stared up in fear. As an Italian, his first instinct was to run. But he didn't want to leave his Fratello behind.

Italy glared confidently, kicking Lutz where it counted, making him double over. The smaller Italian ran over to his fratello, quickly beginning to fiddle with the ropes, his hands shaking as the world seemed to pause in time. Italy tried calming himself down as he got one rope done, going to the next, noticing the German standing with gun in hand, forgetting about his knife for the several moments, taking it out he begun cutting, murmuring things into Romano's ear. A plan.

'Brother, the stupid German is lazy.. but he is... dumb like other nations... If you just a run.. I'll follow but will be taking a different a path.. He has a pistol... So.. Just keep a running. If you a do, I will a get more a tomatoes for you.. Run to the a car, start it.. and be a careful for the other a 2P!s.. Do it for a me. Drive away.'

Romano was silent. 'I will a do it for a you, Fratello..' He murmured back as Italy quickly cut the ropes off of S. Italy's feet. Once his feet were unwrapped, the Italians took off running, Italy going a different route, deeper into the warehouse, knowing the German was only after him.

Italy quickly ran, not bothering to look back, knowing the German was on his tail. The Italian's mafia mode, which in reality was 'kill or be killed' mode begun slipping into his system. He ran, slipping deeper into the warehouse where it begun getting pitch black. Deeper and Deeper he went, silently running, his boots slapping the floor as he ran, soon finding a dead end.  Lutz was slowly walking, knowing there was a dead end, for he used this warehouse a lot for things.. That probably shouldn't be named. He silently walked. "Make this easier on jourself.."

Italy remained silent before hearing a loud sound.


Italy felt a searing pain in his arm but refused to yell as Lutz was shooting in different directions. Italy refused to scream for one reason; He wanted to survive. Lutz growled when he ran out of bullets, nothing left to shoot with, Italy took this chance and took off after taking his shoes off to dull the sounds of footsteps and he slipped through the darkness. He silently hurried, his amber eyes wide in fear as he made it pass Lutz and was now running quickly. His footsteps were now loud because of the heavier impact of his feet when he ran. Once he begun seeing light, he ignored the pain in his arm and continued out running the German, who was now aware of his escape.

Italy felt a blunt object hit his lower back, it was something hard and heavy.. How did he know it was heavy? It landed on his calf mid-run. Taking the best educated guess, it was a flashlight or the pistol that Lutz had. He soon burst out into sunlight, frantically looking for his fratello. He soon took off running into the forest, where he was slightly a bit more hidden and not as worried.

Romano silently got into the car after seeing Lutz chase after his idiota fratello, he begun driving, following the direction Italy ran towards, planning to meet him at the edge of the forest, he wasn't going to leave his other half; North Italy behind. Sure they didn't see each other when they were younger but he  cared for his brother.

-timeskip of magical love-

N. Italy and S. Italy reunited a few hours later, with Lutz close behind. So, with not time, Romano just grabbed his brother and pulled him in, stepping on the gas. Italy soon fell into his seat, glancing back horrified at the sight of an angered German who also looked hurt.

[ :quickly bowing: IM SORRY]

1P! Italy x 2P! GermanyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt