Chapter Seventeen - Come What May

Start from the beginning

Greg shook his head and lifted his hands to his ears. "You love me too Amber. I know you do. the way we dance together, it's like we were made to fit."

He was deluded, and most likely sick. I scolded myself silently for blowing off Daniel's intuition, but I was here now and this was happening. I had to take control. I had to show him that he had no power here. As I stood up I gripped the lamp pole to steady myself, but at the last minute I flicked it up and let it whack against the side of Greg's head. He looked at me for a moment, before rage filled his senses. He reached for me, but I jumped back, until I was beside the bookshelf I spied a steel bookend.I stood there, pretending to cower until greg towered over me, and then grabbed the bookend and hit him over the head with it.

This time Greg fell to the ground with a thud. He was still breathing, so I knew I didn't have much time. I pulled my lycra shirt off and began to tie it around his wrists to keep him bound. I sat on his chest, bearing all of my weight down in case he came too. but before I had to worry about any of that the apartment door opened.

I turned, just in time to see Jackson leave. My heart sunk and I stood. calling his name. I ran from the room wearing just my sports bra and lycra leggings. I knew how bad this looked, but it didn't matter. Jackson had it all wrong.

"What the fuck is going on." Daniel said grabbing my arm.

"You were right about Greg. More than you know. Call the cops and keep him there."

Daniel nodded and let my arm go.

Jackson was in the elevator at the end of the hallway. I sprinted toward him, as the doors began to close. "Stop!" I screamed. "Please."

he didn't even look up. I made it, with an inch to spare, pushing the door open with my finger tips. Jackson looked up at me, his eyes were wet. He was crying. I stepped forward, into the elevator and the doors closed behind me. "Jackson. I love you."

"You've moved on." He whispered.

I shook my head and reached for his arm but he recoiled up against the elevator wall.

"No, I haven't." I pleaded. "Jackson, Gregs the guy from the party."

Jackson's eyes darkened and he stood up straight, puffing his chest out. "What?" His voice was full of concern and anger.

"Greg's the guy who... It was him all along. He tried... or at least he was going to, but I fought back. I could've killed him. I don't know. I just knew I had to survive, I had to see you again. I needed you to know I can't let you go." I was breathless, but it didn't matter. I was where I was meant to be, with the person I was meant to be with. Jackson's eyes softened, he stepped forward and ran his hands up my arms.

"I'm sorry I left. I don't want to go."

"Then don't."

Jackson wasted no time, his lips were against mine and in the moment it was totally necessary. I forgot what was in our apartment, what Greg had done, what the last few months had been like. I forgot it all and enveloped myself in Jackson's arms and kiss.

"I am in love with you." he murmured. "I always have been."

"I'm in love with you too. I'd go to the ends of the earth for you."

"You already did."

We took the elevator back to our floor and walked down the hallway to the apartment. When we walked inside, Daniel had Greg hogtied, and Greg was swearing under his breath.

"The Police are on the way." He murmured pointing to the phone in his hand. "Sorry I wasn't here."

"Sorry I didn't believe you." I noted.

"Fuck you all you're all going to pay for this." Greg cackled.

Jackson slipped away from me and stepped toward the sad excuse for a man. he knelt down and shook his head. "No Greg, you're gonna pay. In prison."

The police arrived shortly afterward. The took statements, which seemed to take most of the day and by the time they left it was nearing 5pm. The three of us stood in the living room. Daniel smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder and on Jackson's shoulder.

"Don't make me have to sort you two out again." He grinned. He looked down at his watch and smiled. "I've got to run, I'm supposed to be meeting someone for dinner."

Jackson and I made "Ooh" sounds but Daniel laughed it off.

"Believe me, this is strictly business. it's Kylie from school, and you know how she feels about me. Anyway she wants me to head the business side of a venture she is looking into. I reckon it'll be good for my resume."

Jackson tilted his head and then grinned. "I always thought you two had chemistry." Jackson teased.

Daniel shook his head and spun on his heel. "Bye. I'm leaving now."

he closed the door behind him, leaving Jackson and I alone. Jackson smiled and lifted my hand to his lips. "I'm a moron. How could I have ever left you."

"It's been a strange few months Jackson. Don't be so hard on yourself. I think I always knew you'd come home."

He nodded and let my hands drop at my side. His fingers trailed up over my shoulders and behind my neck, lifted the necklace up. The ring sat there, like it had since his Mom had given it to me. He unclasped the necklace the lifted it and let the ring fall into the palm of his hands.

He looked at me as he sank to the ground. His eyes were wet with tears, except now it was with happiness. I didn't realize what he was doing until he lifted my left hand began to speak.

"Amber, from the moment we were born we were best friends. You have been the light in my life even when you weren't around. I have loved you since I knew how. Sometimes I do the wrong things, or say something stupid, but the only thing that doesn't change is how much I love you. I want you to know, that for as long as I am breathing, you have my heart. I want to have the honor of calling myself your husband. I know we're both so young, but I also know this is where I belong. We have journeys to go on, and while they might lead us in different directions, our love for one another will always lead us back together. Will you please, please marry me."

I couldn't breathe. the air had left the room and I was being suffocated in raw emotion. The day had been full on, but none of that mattered now.

"Yes, Jackson. Yes."

Jackson slipped the ring on my finger and stood up, lifting me into the air as he did so and as I slid down, our faces met, our eyes connected and our lips aligned. Finally we were Going to be okay. 

A/N - Yay! happy happy ending to this chapter. Don't forget we still have a few more to go... but they'll be happy :P

Song for this is Come What May from Moulin rouge, one of my favourite movies. And its kind of perfect for Amber and Jackson :P

Love yas!

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