Michelle goes to the lakes district

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Michelle pov. Since I am very upset about Mark leaving me. I was very upset and hurt. So the boss let me go home early. And I decided to go to the lakes district. As I got nowhere else to go too. And I cried all the way the there. I have realised what I have done, I should have spend every evening with Mark. Because I love him more than my friends. But they always asked me to go out with them every night. And I shouldn't have done that because Mark have left me now. And I am deeply madly in love with him. Then I arrived at the lakes district. And I cried because I hate holidaying alone. As I always go on holiday with friends. But I never go on holiday with Mark. And I am texting him at the moment. Hey Mark it me please talk to me Mark, I want you back, I'm really sorry I have been a terrible lover to you, because we spend less time together. As I always going out with some friends every night, but I had fell out with them now, because I told them that I want to spend more time with you, every night now. And they have been saying horrible things about you. So I don't want anything to do with them anymore. Because of the way how they treated you. I'm sorry I didn't Beleve you about them i feel really awful for not believing you at the first place. They are moving to America for Good. And I am very happy because I don't care about them now and I love you and I care about you. Please forgive me, I have now decided to spend more time with you, please join me in the lakes district, I'm staying for 2 weeks we'll make love, if you do turn up I'll be waiting for you i can not wait to have sex. As the last time we had sex was in 2005 please Mark I'm begging you lots of love Michelle xxxxxxxx.Then I sent him a picture of me on the bed waiting for him. With nothing on.

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