6. Goodbye and Hello

Start from the beginning

My dad had never looked so vicious and fuelled with disgust.

"Brianna Maria Banks, get out of here!"

"Dad pleas-!"


I ran out of there, not knowing where I was going or what I was going to be. The last thing I saw was my dad in the comfort of that woman and my sister waving goodbye so smug to my demise.
She was saying goodbye..........

Dustins Pov

This girl is getting on my last nerve.

"Dustin, what are you thinking about?" Ana whispered as she started to fall asleep.

"Nothing babe."

She got up, showing me her bra peeking out of her cheerleading vest. Damn thotiana!

"Dustin, why are you looking at me like that?" She smiled showing off her teeth, eww she has gum stuck in between them. Shit man ever heard of floss?!

"I'm looking at you like that because I was hoping that we can have round two."

"Gladly but like when are we going out together as a couple?" Her eyes shone with hope. Dumbass.

"Soon baby soon." I pulled her vest off and grabbed her towards me. She was screaming, groaning and moaning..

My mind started to drift

I looked at my phone while some sluts at a party were touching me. It was a groupchat:

Travman: Yo Dustin, we got two girls here, her pussy kinda tight doe. Come join.

DustinBoss: Trav you're being such a fboy. I'm coming.

I walked up the stairs and opened the doir to see all the gang surrounding the girl with long curly hair and those eyes. Wait! I know those eyes. It was Brianna!  I got my gun and started shooting the place. I carried Brianna out of there but she kicked me in the crotch and ran off.

Flash forward to the day after

I was walking down the corridor when I heard crying. Brianna crying.

She tried to be brave but the tears failed her. Those lips though, shit man, I'm going i-

"Dustin!" Ana screamed with anger in her face  and her jumpy boobs ricocheted off me.

"What's up?"
"You kept saying Brianna while we were making love. Do you like her or something?!"
"Ana, calm down!"
"No I'm not gonna calm down! Uch tell me."
"I- I'm not going to lie. I like her but I'm with you so what's the big deal?!"

She stormed off and left me on the bed. I looked to the drawer near me and saw a packet of weed and a lighter. Well?

Brianna's POV

I carried on walking and stopped at the park bench that was graffitied by 7/11. Oh my luck.

Well lookie here, well done Brianna as you have successfully disowned yourself from your own family due to your hatred of your mo-

Shut up mind, she is not my mother. Mothers l-lo, erm, that word, their children not leave them.

I looked up and saw a red head mumbling to herself.

We ran up to each other and hugged. The hug soon became a crying session and it looked like we both needed it.

"Ana, why are you crying?"
"Because Bri, my boyfriend is such a douche when he's high. He kept saying some hoe's name while we were doing it!"
"Aw don't worry. Maybe he was high and didn't know what he was doing."
"Yeah.. That's true. Thanks Bri."
"You're welcome. By the way who was the hoe?"
"Let's just say she's no better than Alexa in my book."
"Girl.. You savage. Ermm could I sleep over?"

That is why I am still living because I got my friends, true friends who really take me for who I am.

Unknown POV

I hid behind the tree where I saw Brianna with the Boss's slut. I took my phone out to report back.


Hello. Trav, it's me.

Yeah, what you got?

The girl is having problems with the police daddy. That's it. And baby I miss you.

Alexa, babe return to base. The girl can wait.


Heyyy guys, sorry for the slow update but you know school comes first. You know what to do, comment, like and tell your friends.
I'm not going to give you a teaser because I want you to tell me what should happen.

Thanks guys for reading


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