2. You are not alone

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"I know that. I'm not deaf." I just stared at him, not knowing that he would sit next to me, and look into my eyes.

Shit man. I was tired of all the mystery; what was this guy's name?

With hesitation in my voice, I ask Hey, wh-what is your name?"
He looked at me striaght-faced.......(I'm stupid) and zipped his mouth. (No scratch that he's stupid)

"But why? Because if you are going to work with me, I am gonna have to call you something other than ass hole." I laugh loudly at my joke, hearing someone else laughing with me.

No one laughs at my jokes. Ermm should I be calling a doctor?

He stuck his hand out, asking me to shake it, "My name is Ass Hole, what's yours?"

Why is this guy so stubborn, I'm going to know his name anyway. Oh well. "My name is Brianna."

Shaking his hand and no joke guys, my life went in slo mo. I shook his hand for at least five minutes, with a silence that was so thick, even a machete couldn't make a dent.

But he just looked at me; it wasn't perverse, it was like he was trying to study me for a reaction.

"That's a beautiful name, B."

Wait, how did he know that?

My last lesson before basketball practise was Physical Education but worse of all, it was a mixed gender class.

I am an African American girl and chicken is my blood and I guess that chicken loves to go to my rear end because it is a big size. So all eyes will probably be scanning below my waist. Perverts.

"Hey Peaches, haven't seen you all day!"

If you are wondering who said that, it was my other soul bestie, Jay: she is the total opposite of Ana, she is totally cool and loves life. She is black like me and adores tattoos so she is literally Risk goals and by the way she refers to me as Peaches for my butt.

It is not funny.

We are in the girls locker room, changing for wait for it.....


My big bootie sisters, cry with me.

I pull on my black tank top and red shorts and then get smacked in the face with a skirt.
"Jay, what the hell was that for?"
"It is dance, Peaches, you need a skirt."
"Uchhh indeed."

A blonde bimbo that calls to the name Alexa walked up to us.

"Listen here, there is a new guy in our class so hands off, sluts."

I look at this girl with distaste wanting to vomit out of my mouth. Like who does she think she is?! Her blonde hair covered her chest which was obviously backed up by tissues (supplied by Lincoln High School toilet) and my eyes couldn't miss the sight of her knickers peaking out of the top of her skirt.

Jay steps in front of her and tugs her knickers, "Now, now Alexa, don't you know that talking about yourself is the first sign of depression. Because we all know your record results of most bangs in 24 hours, right? Or was it 24 minutes?"

I chuckle behind Jay while we do our handshake and walk off. Jay is just the best.

Mr Henry, who is our PE teacher, lines girls on one side and boys on the other. He is so annoying, but then again most teachers naturally exude stupidness, so it probably comes with the job.

I stand next to Jay who continously elbows me to look at the new kid but i ignore her, trying to put my haunting thoughts of my past behind my mind.

It is hard to ignore my past. But I have to in order to throw back my joy at the dick who ruined and exploited me.

I finally look up and see Ass hole in front of me. We smile mischievously at each other.
"Well B, are you following me around today, I know I'm sexy but-"

I put my hand up in front of his face, "Shut up Ass hole, remember you're the new kid."

He smiles like the jerk he is and I carry on with class and listen to the teacher.
🎤 the first time in forever🎤

Me Henry assigns us partners and I constantly groan in my head.

The music starts and He comes up to me real close. I put my hands where I am told to and He does the same. However he is hovering, maybe? I don't know.

"Soooo B, what's the story with you?"

I look up at him because he must be above six foot.

"Story with me?" I blantly just lied. Sorry Lord.

"Yeah with you, because you ain't flirtin with me and that's impossible."

"You know, I have only known you for two hours and you already proven yourself to a Class A dick."

" I try I try."

We were talking for so long that we forgot that there was a lesson.

Someone clears their throat and yells,
"Miss Banks, Mr Toronto, class ended five minutes ago."

There are literally no words for how embarrassed I feel right now.

I run out to the locker room without looking back at Ass Home and strip off the stupid skirt, to put on my beloved basketball vest and shorts that read Lincoln Lions , Number 13.

13 is considered an unlucky number but it is the day I was born so I guess it is coordinated.

As I walk out of the locker room, I am thrown against lockers in the hallway by hands.

"What the hell, let go of me!" I struggle to release myself from the person or should i say people surrounding me.

I was being jumped.

A high pitched voice started speaking; "That is the slut that tried to seduce your guy!"

I am literally confused right now guys, don't worry you are not the only one.

A gruff voice started to breathe heavily into my ear; Dustin is part of us, sluts are not invit-

In my far vision, I could see tattoos and basketball vests; Jay was here to save me.
"If you don't let go of her, lots of fists are gonna be flying about!"

With that they release me and walk away.
It is true what they say. You are not alone if you have true friends.

"Peaches, are you ok?"

I stand up slowly and observe my bruised wrists.

Damn it hurts. I manage to croak,
Yeah, but who the hell is Dustin?"


I know it is a short chapter but you have got to bear with me because some ideas I wanted to put here wouldn't fit and you would be confused.
So dw you shall be once again impressed later on.

Soo Brianna and Asshole aka Dustin Eh eh eh

Remember please show your friends this book and follow me pleaseeee

The picture included is basically a foreshadow of the chapter and the video is the dance they had to learn.
But for what????

Teaser: Basketball Brianna is shown and Desha seems to be getting attention

Passcode: Guns

(Btw the passcode is like a word to describe the moment most interesting in the next chapter)

Thx guys


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