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Sage was never sure what she though death would feel like. She assumed any pain she was suffering through would drift away and leave her in a state of calm bliss; she assumed all she would see was a bitter-sweet darkness that lulled her into an unforgivable sleep. But she was wrong.

In the midst of the moment, Sage believed it to be pure desolation. Her body felt like it was on fire, each individual cell was crying out in anguish as it was burned, as it was roasted.

All she saw was white. A white dress adorning her body, white stiletto heels covering her feet, a white sheet draped below her. Then – in its idyllic pureness – the white was drowned in red, as though it was never really white at all. She watched in terror – wide eyed – as each item was dyed a deep crimson, first the middle of her dress where she was stabbed and then leaking out from that point onwards.

It panicked her. She felt no agony as the blood seeped across her body, the only pain that came was from not knowing what to do. It made her head pound furiously, her brain throbbed against her aching skull, and her eyes seemed to burn every time she closed them, if only for a millisecond.

She screamed in rage, hating feeling so vulnerable after everything that Ophelia had done to her. She felt like she should be stronger than she originally was, not as weak as a dainty china doll.

Vehement and apathetic, Ophelia's cackle echoed around her like a broken record stuck on repeat. Sage pressed her hands to the sides of her head, pushing in on her cranium to make the sound stop. Yet it didn't. It kept getting louder and louder and louder until Sage was positive that her ears were bleeding from the demonic screeching. Though she dragged her finger down the sides of her face – feeling her nails tearing at her skin – she felt no blood trickle across her skin. Her heart started to beat ferociously, thumping against her ribs so hard she was frightened they were going to break.

Her breathing was rugged and uneven, spluttering like an old car engine that refused to start. Her lungs soon felt the wrath of a lack of oxygen, and she found herself completely struggling to breathe properly.

She felt like she was dying again.

And then suddenly, any supports holding her up were roughly removed, and she was falling, falling, falling...


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