Chapter 2

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*Ellie's POV*

*2 days later*

I was about to just call Scott when I remembered that I'm not ready. I am not prepared to talk, like properly talk, to one of the people who had gotten me into YouTube. I just hope that one day I can meet everyone one else, especially Oli. He's the one who, unknowingly gave me a massive push into the wonderful world of YouTube. He enlightened me that I don't have to spend 24/7 on YouTube. He's really an inspiration to me. 

Anyway, I won't get too far ahead of myself. It might not even go that far if I'm honest. He'll probably just do one video with me and that'll be it. I can't complain though, Not many people like me get this opportunity, I'm going to grab this opportunity with both hands and hold on as tight and as long as I can. I have to make the most of this, it'll never happen again. 

*2 hours later*

"That was great, Scott. Thanks for hanging out with me, I'm glad I got the opportunity to." I said to Scott over the skype call

"No, thank you for hanging out with me. It's been such a great pleasure to speak with you and play with you. I've had such a great time. We shoud do this again sometime, maybe with everyone else next time? I can introduce you." Scott offered

My breathing stopped. My whole world came to a halt. Shock filled me. He'll introduce me to everyone else? Doubt filled me. Do I really want to meet them? That's a stupid question, of course I do! Am I really ready to meet the people who inspire me most?

"Ellie?" Scott said

"Huh?" I replied

"Do you want to meet Oli and Callum?"

"Yes." I squeaked, after almost screaming it

"How about next week? Would that be good?"

"Yea.... No, it's finals week. I can't. I'm sorry."

"Oh.Right. Well, when can you?" 

"The week after finals?"

"Sure, I'll get the guys then."

"Thank you, Scott. You're the best. " 

"I'll see you later then?" Scott asked nervously

"Yeah, of course. I had a lot of fun, byeeeeeee!"

"Byeee!!" Scott smiled as he hung up

I sighed and sat back. I just can't believe what's just happened.  


Welp, there you go!

Thank you for the comments of encouragement to continue!

Love you all




Alone: Until I met you... - A fan-ficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang