Chapter Three

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"Oh yes, The past can't hurt.
But the way I see it
you can either run from it
or learn from it."
Published On-March 17,2016.
11:54,lol I stay up to late.
It's maybe four o'clock maybe even four thirty, this stupid tour for these ungrateful people has taken a minimum of two hours it's like they are five year olds and I'm having to break each piece down to another tiny piece.

But I honestly can't complain id ask that many questions and want to know everything too, especially if I was taken and locked in a room. Oh wait, I've already been! Though I got it ten times worse than those coons.

Okay, I've shown everyone but Clarke and Jasper's room? Not sure if I got his name right I do know he was the one that snapped at me.
So Clarke,Monty,Jasper and I are all walking down the hall way-which is extremely long uhhh- sneakily I rolled up my sleeves to this hot dress. No I literally mean it's hot like sweaty hot, my little arms feel like there in a sauna thing.

"They must not have turned the air conditioning on yet. Most likely working on it."

I thought almost dazing off the dreamland.

"What's on your arm?"
Clarke asked walking faster trying to catch a better glimpse.


"Umm nothing..."
I trailed off quickly using the orange clipboard to shield them the best I could, my eyes wondered to the certain angles which the cameras were placed before she slammed the clipboard to the ground. Really? I liked that clipboard.

Snatching one of my wrists-preferable my left one- she looked at the bottom and top of my arm furrowing her eyebrows.

"Why the hell do you have old burn marks on your arms?"
She questioned running a finger over one causing me to flinch painfully.

"What the hell..."
Clarke mumbled, and next thing you know she's wiping her spit over the sweaty makeup which was suppose to not run off. Why Mrs.Heather can't you have a normal smart brain? Hmmh.

She released my wrist lightly and pushed me into a wall her forearm over my neck/throat, Jasper and Monty sprung into action trying to pull her off only to be pushed to the ground.

"What are you hiding from us? Tell me!!"
She said fiercely.

I chuckled softly,

"Everyone has secrets, just some don't need to be uncovered yet Clarke."
I paused scanning the hall way and picked up the faint clicking of heels.

"You have 17 seconds before Mrs.Heather comes down that hall, I suggest you let me go pick the clipboard up and say sorry for accidentally stepping on my heels."

Clarke looking the opposite way noticing the clicking noise, she nodded. We walking over to the clipboard and both bent down mumbling.

"And I suggest you be careful next time, luckily the cameras weren't turned on."

"We know your hiding something- Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to step on your heels, I'm just clumsy that's all."
Clarke said, but not in a happy voice as expected.
Well there goes my life.

Mrs Heather was propped up in front of us her hands on her hips staring down at me like a disobedient puppy.

"It's not your fault Ms.Clarke, Nala just hasn't learned to move her feet yet!"
She scolded,

Clarke and I rose to our meet, she made eye contact me-not so much. Mrs.Heather's eyes flickered down to my bare arms.

"Pull down those sleeves missy, you're getting the dress wrinkly."
Yep, I'm dead, a goner, goodbye sweet sweet world nice knowing yah!

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