Chapter 8

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A/N So, my friend wrote the last chapter... He's a really great amazing awesome fucking boss writer if you ask me, but I want to know if you guys liked it. Yes? No? Maybe? Kinda? Partially? Don't care, just want me to update this shit? Well if you're looking for the last one, IM BACK BITCHES :D and to the story...



I couldn't take my mind off Lanie... I know I shouldn't have thought about her so much, but just her hug was hypnotizing. I wanted her arms wrapped around me again. When she said I was her favorite, I was so happy, it was unexplainable. I went back in the hotel room, smiling like crazy. "Dude, why you smiling so much?" Andy asked the second I walked into the room.

"Yeah, you look like she just fucked you on the spot," Ashley popped in.

"I-I think I l-love L-Lanie," I stumbled out, still confused myself.

"THAT'S GREAT MAN!" Jake shouted. Everyone looked ecstatic, except for Andy.

"What's wrong, Andy?" I asked him, stopping the others cheers.

"Nothing, I'm just so happy, I'm speechless." He threw on a smile just to play on the act. I knew he was

lying, but I wouldn't push it. My phone vibrated in my pocket.

Lanie- Hey ,CC? It's Lanie.

Me- couldn't resist, could you?

Lanie- I need to get the fuck out of here. Now.

Me- shit. Sounds bad. Ill be there in a few.

She gave me her address and I got in my car immediately. I got to her house in a matter of minutes, then ran up to her door and knocked (harder than needed, might I add). A boy, looked about 17-18, answered the door. "Who the fuck are- HOLY SHIT! YOU'RE CC FROM BVB!" He screamed.

"Yes. I am, matter-o-factly. Is DeLanie here?" I asked. He gave me a death stare. "Damn dude! I just asked if the girl was home! God if looks could kill..."

"Then Damion would murder every motherfucker in the world," Lanie said from behind the boy, who I assumed was Damion.

"You're not leaving again," Damion said through gritted teeth.

"The lady wants to leave, I suggest you let her go," I said, moving Damion out of the way.

"Don't touch me faggot!" Damion screeched.

"Okay, so a second ago you were fangirling like a 12 year old, and now I'm a faggot? Okay, I get it. Makes sense," I was getting annoyed with this guy. No way in fuck was I letting Lanie stay there for another second. "C'mon Lanie, lets go." I took her hand and pulled her from Damion. She looked the same as earlier, except black streaks of mascara ran down her face from crying, and her entire left arm was wrapped up. "What the-?"

"I'll tell you later. Lets go." She shook me off. She looked at Damion, who was beating red with anger. She pulled me down to her hight and whispered in my ear, "this is going to be weird, just go with it." Then she crashed her lips into mine. I knew this would mean nothing to her, but it meant the world to me. And if she wanted to put on a show for Damion, we'd put on a show. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she instantly got the message. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I traced her bottom lip with my tongue, asking for entrance, which she granted. Then, I thought of something that would really piss off Damion. I lifted up Lanie. She realized what I was thinking, and wrapped her legs around my waist.

"SLUT BITCH WHORE!" Damion screamed then slammed the door. I felt Lanie start to pull away, but I didn't want her to. I never wanted it to end. Still, I pulled away, too.

"That was PERFECT!" She laughed. "And lifting me up so I could wrap my legs around you, how the fuck did you think about that so fast?!" I just shrugged and smirked. "You are one dirty boy, Christian Coma." She giggled then we got into my car.

"So where should our adventure begin?" I asked driving in no particular direction.

"I don't care." She looked at the radio, then me. "Can we listen to music from my iPod, if you don't mind?" She asked.

"Sure. I don't mind at all. I mean, you listen to BVB, you can't have horrible taste," I laughed. She hooked up her iPod and Scars by Papa Roach started playing. She sung along to it, just loud enough to where I could hear her. "You have a beautiful voice, you know?" She started blushing. Goddammit, this girl was so beautiful.

Some how, we ended up at the zoo.

"Shall we?" She asked, ever so proper.

"We shall," I replied, mocking her tone.


We had a great time at the zoo. She was scared of the tigers, I don't know why, but she buried her face in my chest. We made faces at the monkeys, which they copied. It was really, really fun. We were in the car, on our way back to her house. I pulled into her driveway. I tensed up as she was about to leave. "Are you okay?" She asked, hesitating to get out.

"I don't want you to go back into that house." I let out.

"I have to. Damion's only 17, and when our parents died, my mom brutally murdered, then Lance, my stepdad, committing suicide from lose of his loved one, they're lawyer said I could be his 'legal guardian' until he turned 18 then I didn't have to deal with him anymore. I said yes, because him and I were in a..." She paused. "A relationship" she chocked out.

"What?!?! EWW! He was your brother though! YUCK!" I couldn't help myself.

"It's not like that, him and I dated even before Lance and Mimi started dating. We thought we were in love but then..." She started to tear up, so I embraced her in a warm hug.

"It's okay, hun." I whispered. "It's okay."

But, honestly, a few tears slipped from my eyes too.

A/N A whole chapter in CC's POV just so you could see how he sees things.

Love You AlwaysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora