Chapter 5

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I walked into the hospital room. The nurse was glaring at me. "You were in the bathroom for an awful long time," the nurse said.

"I really had to pee." I shook it off. "When can I leave?" I could have left without her knowing, but I had to get away from Damion.

"Actually, I'm more than happy to say you can leave now, if you get an adult to check you out."

"I'm eighteen. I can check out myself, thank you." With that, I left the room. I checked myself out then realized I had no where to go except home, where I'd have to see Damion.

I started slowly walking home. I wanted to take as long as possible to get there. I didn't even want to go home, but where else could I go? I walked inside and found neither Damion or Lance in the family room nor kitchen. I tipped toed up the stairs and passed Damion's room. I stopped in front of his door; he was talking to someone. I don't know why I did it, but I did. I walked right into his room, not thinking about consequences, not about what I would say, I just wanted to yell at him. What I saw broke my heart. There, Damion was lying over a blonde haired girl, kissing her down her neck. "Oh my God!" Tears started rushing down my face. "Maddy!" I screamed, seeing she was the slut under my boyfriend.

Wait, was he my ex-boyfriend now? I didn't think of what happened outside of the hospital as being such a problem. "Lanie, it's not what it looks like," Maddy tried telling me.

"Actually, it's EXACTLY what it looks like," Damion smirked. Damion. That dick! All I wanted to do right then was die. Why was he being so mean to me?

A/N okay so, I'm a little lost in writing my own story. Tell me what you guys would prefer. Either A) I continue my story as is with all my confusing conflicts OR B) I could creat multiple stories focusing on how she dealt with all the other conflicts and continue this one with the whole Damion/ depressed conflict.

I also know I haven't updated in a while, so I just gave you guys a short filler chapter.

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