Chapter 1

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The red liquid flowed out as I ran the blade across my wrist. I deserve this. I'm worthless, ugly, fat, stupid and useless. At least, that's what Koki said. Why would he say it if it wasn't true? Yeah, I deserved that. Cuts filled up my left arm until I was out of room. "Fuck!" I said in a loud whisper as I accidentally dropped the blade on my white carpet, leaving a big, red stain.

"You should be more careful," Damion, my step-brother said, leaning in my doorway. How long had he been standing there? Had he been watching me cut? "It's three thirty in the morning, DeLanie. Just go to bed. Please."

"I-I" I couldn't think of an excuse that he hadn't already heard. "What are you doing awake anyway?"

"I had a nightmare about you, and came to make sure you were okay. Then I came in and saw you drop a bloody metal thing on the floor. What is that anyway? Is that a pencil sharpener blade?"

"It's none of your concern."

"Yes, it is of my concern. But, I don't understand it. Why does what this Koki guy says get to you so much? How important can one person's opinion be?" He walked to and sat on my twin sized bed with a black blanket covered in deep purple, electric blue, and neon green polka dots.

"It's not important to me."

"Yeah, okay. Sure it isn't." Sarcasm. I hate sarcasm.

"Stop. Don't pull that sarcasm shit. I'm tired," I snapped, then realized how bitchy I must have sounded.

"Okay sorry." He looked at my arm leaking blood. "You stay right here, I'll be back in a second."

"Okay?" He sighed, then walked out of my room. As I waited for him to return, I hummed Simple Plan's, Welcome to My Life. Moments later, Damion came back with a wet rag and gauze. I hated gauze. It's so annoying and a pain in the ass to keep on. He sat next to m eon the floor at the foot of my bed and started to clean blood off my arm with the rag. After he was finished, he carefully wrapped the gauze aroung my wounds and told me to take them off in the morning when I woke up.

"DeLanie, you need to stop this. I love you too much to sit here and watch you do this. I've already lost someone I loved because I couldn't help them." I could have sworn I saw tears forming in his eyes but he didn't let them fall. "Please promise you you'll at least attempt to stop?" he asked, staring into my deep blue eyes with his glowing green ones.

"I'll try. I promise." He smiled and tucked a lock of my silky, black hair behind my ear, revealing my three top piercings. He held my face in his warm hands and pressed his lips against mine. I hated how we had to keep our relationship a secret. We have been together for almost four years; a year and a half longer than my whore-slut-bitch-mom, Mimi and his worthless-piece-of-shit-alcoholic-dad, Lance. After six months of dating Damion, his mom, Annie, killed herself. It was horrible so I spent most of my time at his house trying to help him through it. Once, Mimi "had" to come with me to Damion's for some reason that didn't make sense until Mimi and Lance announce their engagement, even though no one had known about them being together. Not even Damion or I.

Damion pulled his lips of mine, but kept our foreheads clinging together. "Happy eighteenth birthday, beautiful," he whispered as he wrapped his arms around my neck then retracted them leaving a cold chain on my neck.

"You didn't. I told you not to get me anything!" I laughed.

"I know, and I really tried hard his year not to, but I couldn't resist! Just look at it." I stood up and looked in the mirror haning on my blue wall. It was a gold necklace with angel wings as a charm.

"Thank you so much. It's beautiful. I love it." I could feel my eyes filling with joyful tears as I swung my arms around Damions neck to hug him, but he pulled away.

"There's something I have to tell you, and I'm not sure how you're going to take it." He sat on my bed. "Your dad... He... He died yesterday..."

A/N Damien in the picture

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