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dear April Benna,

"Please rendezvous with me at the sweetheart cafe at 12:15 A.M, there is something important i must to tell/explain (to) you."

From: anonymous

I was sitting in the sweetheart cafe at 12:05 A.M, waiting for the person who sent me the note. Even though i have no idea who could've sent it to me i still came out of curiosity.

The door opened 10 minutes later, and the person that came in completely surprised me, it was Leon. The boy who had been my only true friend since birth, that betrayed me by leaving me for 3 years without a word.

My eyes followed him as he took a seat in front of me, and folded his hands on the oak table.

"It's been a while April." he says looking at his hands.

"What do you Want with me Leon." i say sounding more spiteful than i wanted.

"April, I'm sorry we haven't communicated in so long, but i had to." he said clearly sounding guilty.

"That doesn't excuse you for me without a word!" i say my voice getting louder and louder. "Do you know how much that hurt, and i only found out were a year later!" tears started unwillingly pool out of my eyes.

embarrassed i get up and tried to leave, but Leon grabbed my wrist, and i looked up shocked by his assertiveness , my cheeks started to grow warm at his touch.

"No this cant be happening." i think to myself. "why am i reacting this way, my heart speeding up and my pale cheeks growing rosy.It cant be , i cant possibly be falling in love with him now not after what he has done. then again i maybe have always been this whole time."

he started to pull me back to my seat snapping me out of my thoughts, and i looked back strait into his sea green eyes and it was confirmed i 'm in love with him.

Tears started to flow again as i rip my wrist out of his grip, ran out the door while shouting, " WHY DID YOU HAVE TO COME BACK!"

I sprint towards the crosswalk before the light turned red. when i was mid-way through the crosswalk i heard a loud honk and people shouting i looked up and saw a huge truck barreling down towards me.

" APRIL RUN" I heard Leon shout but it's a distant.

then it went black.

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