Chapter 2

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As soon as Ryan saw'll my eyes changed he grabbed my hand and I was suddenly calm. Maybe that's why I didn't shift into a full werewolf this time! It was strange, I suddenly felt safe. I never felt this way, I was happy and when he looked at me I felt complete, it was like love at first sight! Strange, huh! We just met like 15 minutes ago and I already am in love, maybe its because he's like me. I wonder if he felt this way too! He late than turned around and asked the flight attendant for some water and a snack for both of us. I had told him I wasn't hungry. He didn't bother to listen! When the flight attendant came back she had served us some champagne and a wonderfully presented salad that looked absolutely delicious.

I asked Ryan " why'd she give us champagne? I'm only 15 this isn't normal!"

Ryan said " Calm down, don't worry about it, it will relieve your stress."

Somehow, I did believe him about the stress issue, I was in a lot of stress my dad just died and I'm meeting my mother and brother that I haven't seen in 6 years. I couldn't think of the outcome! I was thinking about Scott and how mad he would be to see me. He thinks that I left with dad because I didn't care about him or mom. Truth is, when that all happened I was asleep. Dad had packed all of my things and dragged me into the car. I didn't even know about it until I was already gone. I should have known dad would pull something like that. He always wanted to have father daughter time but I didn't think he would do it this way. Just thinking about it makes me upset!

I wanted to cry, I missed my family so much! It made me upset because I've always wondered what my mom had thought about the night that dad just snuck out with me. I had totally forgot Ryan was sitting right beside me until he asked me which part of California I was going to. I told him I was going to Beacon Hills, I'm not sure where its at but I'm sure it will be perfect, I just miss my family. Life has been difficult lately ad shifted into an alpha beside another werewolf.. I knew that would cause problems. I had no clue where Ryan was going in California but I had hoped Beacon Hills. I really liked this boy he was different from the others he had the kind of spark in his eyes that when he shifted it was still there, it was amazing.

We had about an hour left on the plane, I had been napping for about 2 hours so I was ready to meet my long lost family. I was so nervous, I had to pee about ten times before we got off the plane. I was so scared that they would dislike me... My mother I had missed her so much, I was ready to see her. I've come along way, I can't go back now. I suddenly sat down because the plane was landing! I told myself this was it. I was really going to do this. I was really meeting my family. I felt so lost, but so happy.

The airport was so crowded when I got off I was searching for Mom and Scott, I could smell his scent but it was still difficult to find hi after all I'm only 5'1.5'' I'm not very tall at all. After walking threw the crowd all the way in the back I had found my mother, I cried tears of joy. I ran up and hugged her, then I hugged Scott and she lad me out of the airport.

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