If We Shift

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Dohavi has told me many stories about this land and where I originally came from that is. I was told that this world is a very precious and valuable one to live on. The water, the air, the dirt, everything was pure and beautiful. Apparently, there was more of my kind that had lived on this land. They all shared the same needs and were great to each other, the creatures were not hostile to them and after many years, they became very prosperous and advanced in their technologies and their way of living. Then one day, it all suddenly vanished. All that was left were the scraps and pieces of junk scattered across this world. My kind completely vanished but all the plants and animals remained. It is believed that an evil presence destroyed us with its heinous and nefarious power. It is believed that the evil creature used it to maintain a balance in this world, but I really don't see why. My people vanished so fast, it's like they weren't even there in the first place. Maybe this creature was the floating lake itself that committed this sin, but I will never know for sure. I was abandoned at a very young age, so innocent, ignorant and helpless, I should have died a long time ago. I do not know many things in this world even after all the things I have read. Everything I "really" know is from Dohavi. From eating, dressing myself, reading, and the basic names for things like grass and house but I don't really know what the names or concepts are. Dohavi has been with me ever since I can remember, always there to guide and protect me too. I wonder if there is anyone one else out there and I would really like to see them and what they would be like. Dohavi isn't even here all the time, most of the time I can't even see him or I hear his faint voice in my head when something troublesome occurs. This was only the ninth time I've actually seen his blurry figure. I think Dohavi is one of the last of my kind even though there are many things that are different between us like his misty appearance and how he can cause strange abnormalities in my house. Dohavi is also able to shift and float through things. It's strange, it's almost like Dohavi is a spirit, well from what I read, he shares all the characteristics of a spirit, but is Dohavi actually alive? I don't know if he's even...real.

It's early morning. It's warm and the beautiful light shines through my windows and the tiny crystals glisten and hover around my room in the morning shine. "I don't have much to do today, all I have to do is finish picking my vegetables and set them out to dry." I might start working on the parts for my wheeled machine but I need to go to the Space Yards for everything I need for it. That's a three day trip, so not today. I get out of bed and get my clothes out from my drawer. I go to my mirror to see if there are any wounds still on my body but there are just scars and they don't hurt either. Nothing seems to hurt at all and it is the third day just like what Dohavi said would happen. I put on my shirt and pants and I head downstairs for some breakfast. I open my pantry and all I have are some dried fruit and vegetables. I'm honestly tired of these dried foods but that's the only way they will last me. I want to try something new or having any meat would be fine but there isn't really anything in this world. I guess I'll go hunting today. I grab some dried apples and carrots and I sat for awhile at my window just thinking about my life. Is there really anything else in this world? The world is so nice and beautiful with the gigantic fireball in the lake and all the creatures and plants that live here, yet there's just too little. I want to go out and discover more, but what is there to discover if it isn't there. I finish my food and I go outside. The air is a little pushy today and I watch the leaves that flow through it. I head over to my garden shed to get my tools and I head back over to my garden. I pick up all the plants and I place their seeds into my garden again. Geez, it's really hot today, I wish I didn't have to harvest and garden my plants all the time. Keeping those tedious creatures away from them is impossible and keeping them fresh is useless. The food will just rot away after a few weeks. I sit down on my patio and l place my head down on the fence. I sigh deeply to myself and I gaze into the forest. I want someone to be here with me all the time. Someone I can talk to, but everyone is gone now and I'm the only one. Who else could possibly be here? I get up and I head out of my house to go hunting. As I slowly open my gate, I stopped and hesitated I how could I go out again, those terrifying creatures could be lurking around the forests just waiting for my presence. They could easily slice me into shreds with their elongated claws and turn me into their mid-day meal. Thinking of that made my skin shiver. I closed and locked my fence gate and headed back inside. I sat on my comfy chair downstairs in my largest room with three windows that present an equal amount of sunshine. The floor is soft with a complex brown and yellow pattern all across it. I sat on my chair for awhile staring out through the windows. I wasn't really thinking about anything but the warm, glowing light felt wonderful on my skin. I got up from the chair and I got the The Amelioration of the Orebonsect from my bookshelf. The pictures are intriguing and complex, they are just simply amazing. I look through some of the pages gazing at the mysterious writing and trying to figure out what it means but I still can't figure it out. After going through the entire book again, I get up and place the book on my table. I walk outside and sit on my grass. The grass is extremely squishy and smooth, normally there are a lot of tiny things scurrying across the ground and they don't like to be bothered but I don't see them today. I stare up into the lake and the large, white wads in it. "Ohh, what am I going to do today." I sigh deeply and I place my face into the ground passively. The ground is dark and soft, perfect to lay my face in.

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