Behind the Latch

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I wake up the next morning only to be welcomed by agonizing pain. Whatever I do is just painful, even moving my hand to a different place is a tedious task. A beautiful glowing light shines through my blinds and I gaze at it for awhile. I smile as I feel the warm light touched my rough skin and the light is extremely pleasing to me however, the pain kept me from getting out of bed so I stayed under my covers. I felt extremely lightheaded and thirsty and this made me feel miserable and many pain shocks kept going through me, I can barely bare this. Lights started to appear bouncing off my room walls before me, twisting and popping constantly, it made my head pound and my mind felt muddled. I felt as if I was going to pass out again but then I could hear the small creatures chirping at one another as they were perched on my window. As I slowly turned my head towards the window, I could see how gorgeous and pretty they were to gaze upon. Their bodies had so many vibrant colors and their feathers are so long and elegant, I could stare at them for the rest of the day. As I looked around my room, I noticed there is a lot more dust in the corners than usual as well as a few sticky wads stuck on some of the edges of my ceiling. "Ugh, I hate, these, things. They're so, disgusting, and they stick to, everything. I don't even, know how they, get there!" My throat instantly closed up since it's been a long time since I've had something to drink. It seems like my house creates these little sticky things from the dust and dirt, but that wouldn't explain why it's really sticky. I'm eventually going to have to clean the entire house again since I haven't for so long. The house shacked a little as Dohavi fell from the ceiling.

"Ow, I guess." "What, are you, doing Dohavi? I didn't allow you, to enter, my room." "Falling through your ceiling is my daily routine and it must be accomplished- OH MY GOODNESS!!! YOU LOOK HORRIBLE!" "Thanks for the, complement." The light began to hurt my head and I squinted to look towards Dohavi. "No, I'm being serious Mino. You look like a living corpse! You're just so pale and bruised all over. When was the last time you had something to drink? And you need to tell me what happened to you yesterday now! You can die from this you know." "Okay." I paused as I tried to swallow my saliva. My voice turned into a whisper as there was no moisture my mouth could provide. "As, I was traveling back home, I was bit by, a whole bunch of these, tiny creatures. Then, the next day, I was attacked by these, monsters. I thought, they were going, to kill, me, but I fell into, a ditch which saved me. Then-" "No need to speak anymore, your voice is so hoarse oh I wish I made you stay home. You must've been bleeding the entire way home from the look of how deep those cuts and bite marks are. You were probably attacked by a pack of Aogoyis, They have unique claw marks which appear on your skin and they're common around the edges of forests, they are very keen and intelligent creatures as well. Here, I'll shift so that I can give you some food and water. Bu-" "I know." "Okay, just making, sure."Dohavi went to the back garden and he brought back some water with some apples and bread. He placed them down next to the dresser by my bed. "Drink the water first Mino, I couldn't get any water from the pump in the backyard so I went to the creek nearby you'll need to refill it once you get better.

Dohavi held the cup for me as I lie in bed. It took me several cups to regain my voice as I was extremely parched. "I'll go make you some herbal tea and some healing ointment for your bruises. Geez, I'm surprised that you came back alive. I mean, if you died, that would be horrible and I would perish as well but don't ever go out again without my permission. Got it?" "You don't, tell me what to do." "You're seriously acting like that after you nearly died out there. You don't know how lucky you are especially for your age." "Age?" "It means how old you are or how long you've been existing Mino." I nodded. "Now stop being ungrateful, I'm going down to the kitchen now to make you tea and ointments." "Dohavi?" "Auh?" "How come you take care me of me all the time?" Dohavi paused and turned around and cocked his head at me gazing straight into my eyes. "You would be long dead without me." Dohavi quickly turned back around and went down the stairs, I could hear each cabinet open and close as Dohavi was getting out all the ingredients and supplies for the tea and ointments. A little while later Dohavi returns with two large dishes carrying the tea and an odd smelling cream. "I couldn't find any tea packets so I made tisane out of what we had left, it's practically the same thing." "That cream smells horrible and that water stuff does, too! I don't, want to drink it." "It's not whether you want it, you need this to get healthy again. Now which one you want first?" I stiffened my face and turned away from Dohavi even though it hurt, I tried hiding it. "I don't want it! I don't want it!" "Tch, Mino! Will you stop being so stubborn you haven't even tasted it yet!" "You'll have to force, me to drink it because I am not drinking that muck!" Dohavi suddenly yanked my head over and grabbed my cheeks and forced my mouth open. I couldn't resist the grip Dohavi had on my face and I started to cry as the liquid went down my throat. "That, hurts Dohavi!" "Stop crying! It is not that bad and I tried it before I got up here."As I swallowed the rest of the tisane, it really didn't taste that bad and my face started to turn red. "Ha! Are you feeling ashamed of how you were acting? You should be. Now take the covers off you so that I can rub the ointment on you." "I can't Dohavi, it hurts too much to move." "Fine, I will do it for you since you make me do everything else anyway. I have a question for you Mino. It's an important one too and I need permission for it as well." I nodded as Dohavi pulled the covers gently off me. Dohavi began to rub the brownish cream on my arms and it felt as if something was grating at my skin every time the cream touched me. "STOP DOHAVI! It just hurts too much!" "I know it does, my question is regarding to this. Now you need to cooperate with me. If I rub all of this ointment on you and if shift again, you'll be completely healed within three days, but you can't frail around so much or else you'll open your scabs and you will be gushing out blood." "How much, will it take off this time?" "It will take off a decent amount but I'll be fine, alright?" "Okay." "Don't worry I will be just fine, I'll just be away for awhile so you'll have to be a lot more cautious at home." "Okay." "Now hold still please, I know this is going to hurt quite a bit and I apologize for this." "Nnnn, okay." "Mino, look at the birds." "Birds? What, are birds?" I turned my head towards the other direction but as soon as I did so Dohavi sloshed my entire arm in the cream. It felt as like someone trying to tear off my arm! "DOHAVI!" Dohavi covered my mouth and held my body down. I was screaming in agonizing pain and thrashing around but Dohavi continued to rub all of the ointment on me. Dohavi kept telling me to stop moving but I just couldn't! How could anyone be motionless with this much pain?! Countless tears are running down my face and I began to feel numb. I felt my fingers and eyes twitching uncontrollably. My blood is rushing all through my body and I started to see my own blood slowly soaking into my bed sheets, I just couldn't stop moving. I felt a sudden jolt inside my entire body and everything started to go dark.

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