The Land

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The land, how vibrant it is. Yes, indeed. The extravagant and rocky hills that soar into the floating blue lake and giant, white puffy wads of cotton drift inside it. The tall, brownish grasses growing over the entire land and a plethora of small dirt humps. Creatures large and small swim in the giant blue lake with there vast and gigantic, feathery arms diving through it and spinning and twirling in circles inside the lake with joy. Some other creatures similar in size are forced to be stuck on the ground and only being able to vault so high off the soil. I would like to float into the lake someday. I am going to call this area the Leafless Lands on my map from now on. Some areas are the complete opposite with absolutely nothing available just like this one. It would be amazing to swim with those creatures some day but it's really strange. How come these things can't just swim in regular lakes on the ground? Is the water different up there? And why don't appear drenched with water when they return to the ground? I always ask myself these questions but I never come up with a conclusion, it's just too puzzling. I've always tried to swim into the floating lake every time I see these beautiful creatures and I try constantly to flap my arms to float off the ground but nothing happens.
I try again,
and I fall with defeat and agitation.
The world I saw became cloudy with little dirt clumps but it quickly fixed itself as this became painful. I brush the dirt and grass shards off my clothes and I get back up. The feathery creatures land gracefully to the ground in front of me and gawk at my failed attempt, then they make a strange, high-pitched clicking sound at me as well to the creatures of the same resemblance. As they started to flap away, they flapped away so easily into the lake that it almost seemed as if they were trying to taunt me. Every day I witnessed this glorifying performance yet it seems none of other creatures admire this act. I'll get in there someday but this isn't what I came to this area for. I finally completed my drawing of this piece of land and now I can head back to the Poerl Woods and savage for supplies along the way. There was a lot less here than I suspected there to be. It took me several days to get here and I turn up with nothing of use. There aren't many animals around, barely any trees or small ponds and creeks with fresh water. This is a pattern that is replicated throughout the entire area and it feels so depressing for anything to live her. "Riiiight now... If I'm in the Leafless Lands, I'd have to gooo up right for a few hours then head straight for the rest of the way." I put my map inside my raggedy grey and purple patched backpack and I took out my compass to start traveling in that direction. I was already about a day or two away from home so this trip shouldn't be as difficult. It's around midday, it's very windy yet the flaming ball in the lake makes this trip home quite unbearable. I've been experiencing this tremendous heat ever since I traveled to this area and it's absolutely terrible. There are no trees to cool down under nor is there any water for me to drink but I eventually found a small puddle of water. As I rushed to the puddle so that I could refill all of my water pouches, I came to a complete halt and I started to gag as there was a rotting corpse of some kind contaminating the entire waterhole. Tiny creatures were fluttering around it and others crawling and digging themselves in and out the dead carcass as if that is their own form of a waterhole. The smell was absolutely appalling and its insides seemed like they were ripped out and spread all over the water. Its dilated eyes gazed at me which caused me great discomfort. I continue to walk for a little more until I found a tree to rest upon for awhile. Hours later, no other waterholes appear in sight and I begin to feel dehydrated. The fireball made me feel only more exhausted as the heat from it was peering down on me. It made me sweat greatly which made me feel only more dehydrated.  I only have a cup full of water left in my water pouch and started to drink every sip of it. I also took out my last piece of small cooked meat that I smoked from earlier. I unravel it from my frayed rag and I placed it back in my backpack. The meat had a weird, tarty taste a lot different from earlier but I continued to eat it. After I finished my meal, I gather up all of my belongings and I continue my way home. Once I left the tree I instantly felt an unwelcoming greeting from the fire ball in the lake. Shooting down beams of burning rays onto my skin and I instantly began to sweat. Besides the fact, I still continue to push myself through this laborious terrain. The flame ball started to die again and switch to is colder behalf of a lake tainted with darkness. I'm nowhere close to home and the land looks the same as it did before only darker and small glowing balls of fire emerge from the lake. It began to get colder and the winds became fiercer than before.

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