Chapter 15 (Epilogue)

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Author's Note: So originally, I just had a short epilogue,  but I had a scene in my head that was a continuation of the last chapter, so I decided to write that in here too. I would like to thank you all for your kind words in the comments on the last chapter. I'm going through a really hard time right now with my health, scholarships, and college decisions. I am stressed all the time and I constantly feel sick. Writing and reading fic has become a form of therapy for me. I can't tell you how amazing it was to wake up this morning to your comments. You are all so sweet! The words from each and every one of you truly warmed my heart and gave me the energy I needed to make it through the day. And of course, I am so glad that you enjoyed my story. So here we go! Last part! (This would be right where the last chapter left off)

Tuomas opened the door to his house and let Tarja inside.

"Home sweet home," he chuckled as he shut the door behind them and gently removed his coat from her shoulders, hanging it up on the rack. "Do you remember it?"

"Yes," she whispered, her eyes scanning the living room. "I remember everything. I can't believe that we're really here ... together."

"Neither can I."

He pulled her into his arms and as she held onto him tightly, he noticed how she seemed to be trembling.

"Sweetheart, you're shivering," he said, rubbing up and down her arms as she pulled away.

"I'm fine," she insisted.

"No, you're not. We need to get you warmed up. How about you go take a hot shower, and while you're doing that, I'll start a fire and make us some tea. How does that sound?"

"That sounds okay," she said softly.

He put his arm around her shoulders and led her down the hallway. He went into his room and grabbed sweatpants and a Sonata Arctica sweatshirt for her to wear, and then met her in the bathroom.

"Here," he said, holding the clothes out to her. "Put these on when you're done."

"Thanks," she smiled.

Tuomas walked back out to the kitchen and started boiling water to make tea. He couldn't keep a smile off of his face. They were finally together. Even though time had almost been ripped apart, he wouldn't have changed a thing about what he had done, because it had brought them together. While the water was boiling, he lit a fire in the fireplace.

His smile widened when she came out into the kitchen wearing his sweats. They were much too big on her, but he found it absolutely adorable.

"Are you still cold?" he asked.

"A little," she said, " but much better than I was."

"Good," he smiled. "Tea?"

She nodded, and he brought their mugs over to the couch. The fire was alive now and warming the room. He had brought a plush blanket over the black leather couch that he pulled over them as they sat down.

They drank their tea and talked through the night until they could see the first hints of pink and orange coloring the sky out the window and they could barely keep their eyes open.

Tarja curled up against him, her head nestled into his shoulder. He put his arms around her and kissed her hair.

"Goodnight, my love," he whispered.

"Good night."

Tarja moved in with Tuomas and a month later, she was approved to get partial custody of Naomi. Tarja and Tuomas would get her for two months, then they would fly to Argentina and give her to Marcelo.

It wasn't the most convenient arrangement, but it worked out for them and Tarja was overjoyed to see her baby girl again. Tuomas loved Naomi like she was his own, and Tarja and Tuomas finally got to fulfill their dream of becoming parents.

The media blew up as soon as it was discovered that Tarja and Tuomas had gotten together. Nightwish fans went wild and rumors flew that Tarja had been cheating on Marcelo with Tuomas and that she would go back to Nightwish now.

Eventually, they were able to quiet the rumors by making up a story about running into each other on the street when Tarja moved back to Finland, becoming friends again, and falling in love.

Tarja continued her solo career with a new manager and Nightwish carried on as well. Once fans got over the initial disappointment that Tarja wasn't rejoining Nightwish, they saw that she was happy doing her solo work. Tuomas wrote a song that she would be featured on for the next Nightwish album.

They got married at the end of the year, as soon as Tarja and Marcelo's divorce had been finalized. They had a small wedding in a beautiful church in Kittee. The day was filled with happiness and love, and it was only made better by the unexpected guest sitting in the back row.

It wasn't always easy; they were sometimes apart for months at a time when they were on separate tours on opposite ends of the world. They fought about things ranging from Tuomas leaving his socks on the floor and someone forgetting to put eyeliner on the list for the store to their finances and what was best for Naomi. The oak tree was used when one of them needed time alone, but also when they wanted to be together, away from the stress of recording and scheduling performances. The force that was more powerful than anything in the world, that kept them together and would never ever fade, was their love.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2016 ⏰

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