Chapter 6

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A/N: Hello everyone! Thank you for waiting ... I'm sorry it took so long for me to post this chapter, but school had to take presidence. I've written quite a bit over vacation, so I should be posting weekly again! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. I did, because I got tickets to see Nightwish!!!! ;) Anyway, I edited this chapter many times and I am STILL not happy with it. The main struggle I had with it is that a lot of emotional events took place, but I couldn't actually say what the characters were feeling, because Tuomas is watching the time stream. Hopefully it's okay!

Since you've probably forgotten what was going on, I'll give a quick recap: Tuomas went back in time to the Guadalajara concert and comforted Tarja after the fan attacked her on stage. The Doctor said that he had changed the future and Tuomas is now watching Tarja's time stream in the Tardis.

End of Chapter 5:

Over the next few months, Tarja's middle slowly grew and Tuomas continued to be fascinated by the whole concept, gently caressing her stomach and murmuring words to their unborn child every chance he got. Both of them were happy, happier than they had ever been.

Tuomas smiled as he watched this, but he had a feeling deep inside the pit of his stomach that something wasn't right.

His fears were confirmed when the screen now showed their darkened bedroom with the two of them sleeping, and Tarja crying out in pain. 

"TUOMAS!" she cried, gasping and sitting up to turn on the light. "Oh-oh-oh my god! Tuomas, help, please!"

He was wide awake in an instant, turning towards her in alarm. "What is it? Are you okay?"

"NO! NO! Oh, god, please, oh god, Tuomas, I-"

"What hurts? Can you tell me what hurts?" he asked frantically.

She couldn't even give him a coherent response; she just struggled trying to sit up more and fell into another episode of clutching her stomach and gasping in pain.

"Tarja, please, angel, talk to me. Is it your stomach? Should we go to the hospital?"

"Tuomas, it-it's the baby," she whispered, tears filling her eyes. "I know it is. But it's months too early and this-this doesn't feel right."

Her lip started to tremble and her eyes searched his for some sort of reassurance.

"We're going to the hospital," he said firmly, and walked around to the other side of the bed and picked her up, causing her to cry out in pain again.

"I'm sorry!" he said miserably, trying to run through the house to the garage with her in his arms and comfort her at the same time. "It's going to be alright, I promise. You'll be okay."

"Breathe, Tarja. Breathe. I need you to just breathe for me, okay?" he said as they sped down the road moments later.

She was gasping and sobbing, her arms around her middle and hunched over in the seat.

"It's going to be fine. You just need to breathe. Don't panic."

"But, Tuo, the baby," she sobbed. "It's too early. It's four months too early."

He reached for her hand with one of his, keeping the other on the steering wheel. She grasped onto it tightly and continued to cry.

"It's gonna be okay," he repeated softly. "I love you. Everything will be fine."

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