Chapter 3

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  - Gwen Isabelle -  

The Hyper Loop Train sped on through the city picking up more students, before it finally squealed into the Blackwell Academy Station.

The doors slid open and students poured out of every car some eager to start their day and some not.

Ian and Gwen disembarked their usual car and made their way to their lockers which were right next to each other. They dropped off their bags and gathered their stuff for 1st Period. College Algebra with Mrs Kimmons. They loved the class but hated mrs Kimmons she assigned so much work and always smelled funny.

Ian and Gwen made their way to the classroom and found their seats.

They went over last nights homework, then went through today's notes finally she Handed out tonight's homework just in time for the bell to ring.

Ian and Gwen went about there day through the rest of their morning classes, finally it was Lunch time.

"I'm so hungry!" Announced Ian, he skipped breakfast today.

"Your always hungry Ian!" Gwen Announced back.

"Dudes gotta eat!" Ian said laughing.

They got in line and grabbed their lunch. Ian nabbed a cheeseburger and fries, while Gwen went with a Chicken sandwich and a salad.

Ian and Gwen found their normal spot near the middle of the cafeteria, they sat and ate.

"Whats wrong?" Ian questioned.

"I dont know something just doesnt feel right, I had a really weird dream last night, It was like my Mom was calling out for my help, but I couldn't tell from where, and the Trains are never late." She said as she picked at her salad.

"I know but It was probably just a fluke, technology does break down randomly you know. " Ian said trying to curb Gwen's obvious discomfort.

Gwen looked up from her lunch and glanced across the courtyard to see a tall muscular man in casual clothes slowly walking the perimeter of the building, scanning the courtyard.

"Hey Ian, is it just me or is that guy looking for somebody?" Gwen questioned.

"Mhmm, I don't know maybe," Ian said calmly, not sounding too worried.

"I wonder who he's looking for," Gwen questioned again. 

"I bet he's looking for Bigfoot," Ian said sounding serious, but smiling as wide as a kid in a candy shop.
Gwen punched Ian playfully on the shoulder, then said "Seriously Ian, I think something fishy is going on."
Ian stopped messing around, "Actually I'm beginning to think you're right, let's think about this, first you had a weird dream last night, then the city trains were late, and now a strange guy is wondering the courtyard. Yep! Something is definitely Fishy."

"Really though... Ian what if my mom is out there somewhere being held against her will, calling out for help?" Questioned Gwen.


Hey guys!!!
I'm back and writing again!! Sorry I took so long!!!!

Let me know what you think!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2019 ⏰

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