Chapter 9

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"Mornin'", Sherlock didn't bother turning around, he was still in his blue silk night robe. I continued on as I walked into the kitchen to face him," any luck yet have we've made any head way". Taken aback, Sherlock was completely drenched with magenta goo, how he managed to not get a single spot on his back side I'll never know. Acknowledging my presence he wipped the goo of his goggles and shook it off his hands.
"Ah. Morning Watson. I do believe I'm close to solving this. I managed to scrape a sample of what I was creating prior to the mishap and I've been able to reverse most of the effects. There's still a 31% chance that this will fail". Already taken a seat at the table, I couldn't help but think how much the goo resembled jam. I licked my lips and tried to fight the urge to eat the goo. Quickly trying to rid the thought from my mind I started to question , "Now that you mention it I've been meaning to ask you how did this come about. I can't stand to be in the dark any longer please enlighten me." I always found it bothersome to admit when I didn't know something especially to Sherlock because he was...was...Well Sherlock. He always found a way to show off his superiority and shove it in your face all at the same time precisely with such precision. He had made it into a art but this time he resisted the temptation. Though it could be seen plainly that he wanted to, " Well, we were conversing about Lestrade's latest drug bust-I didn't do it, I swear-while I was mixing two chemicals together. The slightest mistake could've made the kitchen more of a bomb testing chamber. Anderson shoved me while I was adding a very precise amount of sulfuric acid into my solution. Something went horribly wrong. Just as Mrs. Hudson entered with Mycroft, Donovan took the vial from me and "accidently" dropped it everywhere. I still cannot fathom as to how I was not affected." It took me a while to digest as I gulped already dreading the answer to my next question.
" And how do you go on to go with the 31%?". Sherlock then proceeded, straightening himself out, " As for the 31%, I have to simply test it on one child so that I can see how I'm progressing. John, I know it's dangerous but you need to trust me on this one. I need one of them as a testing subject." Feeling the sense of tension rendering it's evil head, I pushed my chair in and stood up beside it, both my hands resting on the topsides, my head looking down. Then after a few seconds for dramatic effect, shaking my head bitting my lip, I perk up.
"Alright, I believe you, I stood up for you last time didnt I, and once I've decided to trust someone I don't make a habit of doubting them". I smirked, "Why does it always appear like our dwellings would be a perfect target for a bomb? I mean come on really. Wait what was mycroft doing there ? I understand how ms. Hudson would be there but why mycroft? This seems awfully scripted to me Sherlock. What do you think? Could it be you weren't affected because there was something on you. Possibly planted?" Sherlock looked slightly impressed and slightly touched by my concern for his well being but then went cold to mask it. He thought I didn't notice but I did. He cleared his throat," No. Not at all. Mycroft tends to visit whilst your out. I guess he had a case for me but Donovan had to go and turn them into children. If it was planted and a plan, I don't know what would've happened were you there." "Sherlock your human is showing" I muffled under breath. "What was that"? Sherlock looked quizzical. "Oh nothing nothing. Possibly a fate similar to those of the tots but I guess we'll never know". Changing the subject before he grew suspicious I trailed on,
"Still this all seems rather unsettling. I mean what are the odds that mostly everyone we know shows up all under one roof?.... For one time only." I huffed, "So have you decided"? I waited for answer. Then he reacted rather posh, "Oh my turn" raising his hands to himself. "Oh.What an honor it is to be recognized by the great John Watson". I gave him a shut up or I'll kill you look he ignored it," I've chosen a child. We're testing Lestrade. This should work if I've computed the math involved correctly". I moved from my spot and stood just a bit closer to him so that he would not lie to me and I would get an honest answer out of him.
" Why does that not suprise me? This really is a game of chance. Were literally bargaining with Lestrades life here".
" I know we are. We're gambling with all of their lives. I've chosen Lestrade because I know he can pull through should this remedy fail". His mind was made up and when Sherlock Holmes made up his mind best believe you would be what is attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis. " Alright. I'll just go and get him then and we'll see how this will go. I can only hope that this doesn't end horribly". Sherlock looked satisfied showing me to the door. Outside before he could close the door I stopped it with my foot, with unease in my voice I suggested we meet somewhere else it didn't seem very wise to meet at our flat. We needed sonewhere more discreet. He implied, " Like where? The neighbors are starting to get suspicious of me with all these children. Where shall we meet then?". I pondered this a while and retorted, " How about at Bart's? Its about time Molly got in on the action. The neighbors are the least of our problems. A little thing like the neighbors suspicions has never bothered you before. Don't let it now when were close to solving this problem". Sherlock dislodged my foot from the door with a jerk I tripped and skipped a couple of stairs. Once stable I turned, "But what time"?
" In an hour. I still have to get ready. I haven't slept all night. That's never bothered anyway. At 13:30 we'll meet at Bart's with Lestrade. Bring the others if you wish". I nodded in affirmation.
" Fair enough. Very reasonable demands. Doesn't look like I got much of a choice. See you then I'll be preparing them in the mean time for the walk over".
" Splendid. I shall be awaiting your arrival. See you then", waving me off. "All in good time. I wish you best of luck", leaving him.

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