Chapter 5

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The game was definitely on, the race to find Mycroft we would later call it. I exited the cab I had entered immediately after I rushed out of my home. I didn't even have time to enjoy the extravagant breakfast Mary had layed out for us this morning.  I was in such a rush it had completely slipped my mind to tell her where I was heading out too. Good move Watson, what a great husband you are, I thought sarcastically to myself. Mary must think very highly of you, she's sure to "reward" you someday. As I stood there in the middle of the street contemplating on my next move I was taken aback by the cabbie who stopped right in front of me almost crashing me as it screeched to a halt. Though I didn't recognize him at first as he began to go on and on in a strange accent about him honking like a maniac trying to get my attention before. It wasn't  until I looked up at him that recognized who he was. That smirk plastered on his face was all to familiar. "Hello, John". I was completely flabbergasted there before me was Sherlock disguised as a cabbie. I hesistated, "wha...what are you doing here Sherlock?". He laughed but before he could speak I cut him off, "More importantly, where are the tots?". I felt my nerves tighten and my eye had this bad tic as I waited for Sherlock to reveal himself. "Calm yourself" he started as he stared at my are you serious face. I waited for him to continue, my foot pounding aganist the concrete. "I'm here same reason as you to investigate the where abouts of my brother. And like any other simpleton like yourself..". I bit my lip as he said that part. He got the signal, " You know what I mean John. " he tried to give me one of his best apologetic puppy dog eyes. I just shook my head,"Go on" I said not looking forward to anymore interruptions. "Yes so as I was saying it would be most obivious to start where that person in question most frequent occupies. In other words his job" he said awfully proud. It was as if he was waiting for me to compliment him just like in the beginning of our meeting oh so long ago. Sherlock waited in anticipation, pratically begging like a dog with a slight wag in his tail.  "Oh uh...yes, good. Now back to my second question, where are the tots?" Sherlock responded in a slightly disappointed tone , " Ahh yes the toddlers, all you need to know is there in good hands". "But... But", I stuttered. "No if's and's or but's, John. You're just gonna have to trust me". Could it be wizardy? I mumbled. Surprisingly I didn't question him and both of us walked into Mycroft's office. Without another moments waste we scanned each and every paper, in every drawer in every cabinet, in every possible nook and cranny. Well it was more like me rummaging through it all while Sherlock just spun in Mycroft's chair. So childlike I muttered, a half smile crept over my face. I took a quick glance at him as he would grab one of the scattered papers from the desk and skim through it while spinning. "No good" he would say and throw it in the air. Soon we found ourselves in a huge pile of papers that baried the floor of Mycroft's office. I was the first to speak at the same time naking that uhh clicking noise with my mouth. "It doesn't look like there's anything here". There was a brief moment of slience then I started again, "Hmm if you were your brother where would you go?" He looked at me dumbfounded, he could hardly keep a straight face. Not fully believing that I went there but he chose to indulge me. "Obviously to see the Queen and advise her about threats going to our lovely country. Either that or to a sweets shop. Now that he's a child, he can get free cake." This time he couldn't hold it in any longer he burst into laughter. And then I found myself joining in as well with the memory of our first case playing in my mind. *FLASHBACK* Shh shh we can't giggle, it's a crime scene!
Our laughter soon began to seize Ha... Ha .. Ahh. Smiling madly, " Well lets go with the more obivious choice to the ....". Sherlock said excitedly, " Cake shop".

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