Instagram Blowup

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You: OMG I HAVE TO GO *you run out of the building*

Mario: What just happened?!

Geo: Something really bad could happen to her by herself.

Julian: Oh no look at her phone *sees hate comments about her dating Julian* OH NO A SUPPORTER SAW US HUGGING AND POSTED IT ON INSTAGRAM

Meghan: Crap

Mama Roman: I have to go

Geo: Just stay here mom

Julian and Jovani: we got this mama Roman

Geo: WHAT?! you sure

Julian: we are her best friends

Alyssa: excuse me?

Jovani we can protect her better g2g
*runs as fast as they can to go find you*

Your POV
I hear Julian scream in my name to get my attention but I don't care. Why would people do this to me? I haven't done anything wrong? I always get hated on from all the boys supporters. You start slowing down cause you tired but you see Jovani so you start running faster. You feel something knocking you over and you scream as you fall.

Jovani: I am sorry but this was the only way to stop you
*Julian catches up to you guys*

You: *Don't know to either be mad at Jovani for tackling you or depressed from all the hate. Your so overwhelmed that you start crying*

Julian: Don't cry this tour is suppose to be fun

You: But everyone hates me

*everyone caught up to you guys at this point*

Geo: Screw the haters the real supporters don't believe these rumors

Cat: Yeah it will all blow over in a day

Jordyn: Don't let them get to you this tour is gonna be awesome don't let them ruin it

You: Thanks guys *you hug Julian and then Jovani and then everyone else*

Geo: and if they say anything to you I will beat the crap out of them

You: Ok thx bro

Meghan: Let's go back to the hotel

*all go back to the hotel and explain everything on broadcast after the broadcast Jordyn pulls you away from everyone*

Jordyn: can I ask you something

You: Of course

Jordyn: I really like Julian but I feel like something will happen to me like what happened to you

You: I never thought of that but you do what your heart wants *you walk out and go tell Julian what happened*

Julian: What am I going to do I really have feelings for her and I know Jovani really likes Alyssa😩....... I have an idea *walks to where Jordyn is*

Jordyn: Amara tell you?

Julian: Yeah, but I can fix it😏❤️

Poms Tour- A pomsfam fan-fiction Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon