The Big Surprise.....

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Mark's p.o.v:
Since WWE is on Orlando tonight I can get revenge on the other 3 Samoan jackasses. I was on my way to the locker rooms when the Bella's walked up to me.
"Hey Mark."
"Hey Bella's, what's up?"
"Ummmm we don't know how to tell you this but we found out something about Melanie."
"What is it."
"She's hiding a secret and when we asked her what's she's hiding she wouldn't tell us."
"Ok where is she."
"In the divas locker room."
"Ok thanks Bella's."
"Your welcome, Mark."
It's kind of weird that my own girlfriend didn't tell me a big secret. Even though we've been dating for 7 months and she tell me everything I'm guessing it's not that big of a deal.

Melanie's p.o.v:
I was in the bathroom crying and throwing up and it's been 20 minutes already. I don't know how or when I should tell Mark that I'm pregnant with his child but I know I should give up my title too. I guess I tell Stephanie first before to she can make a decision regarding the divas division.
My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.
"Who is it?"
I opened the door and I looked into those green eyes and I know I have to tell him but I don't want too.
"You Ok."
"Yeah babe I'm fine."
"What are you hiding from me?"
"Yes you are the majority of the workers know that you have a secret and your not telling anyone."
"I want to tell you but I don't know how to tell you."
"Just tell me."
"I have to ho to Stephanie's office right quick so can we talk when I get back."
"No because I have to make an appearance tonight."
"Ok well I'll see you afterwards."
"Ok Melanie."

I walked to Stephanie's office and knocked on the door.
"Stephanie can I come in."
"Sure Melanie."
"So I have to tell you something."
"Ok what is it."
"I have to give up my title tonight."
"Melanie, that's a big decision is it Ok if I ask you why."
"I'm pregnant."
"Wait what."
"Yeah I found out a couple days ago."
"So how about this. You don't get a title match but you have to vacant the title and you can choose your top 5 divas for the match next Monday we will crown a new divas champion."
"Ok and can I be by ringside holding it until a diva wins and I can pass the title to her."
I thanked Stephanie and as soon as stood up she called my name.
"Yeah Stephanie."

I left and went towards the divas locker rooms.
"Divas I have an announcement to make."
"What is it?"
"I am giving up my title and Stephanie said that I can pick 5 divas of my choice to wrestle in a fatal 5 way match on Monday for a chance to win the title. I will be at ringside for the match and at the end of the match I will hand the winner the belt and present them to the WWE Universe as the new divas champion."
"Why are you giving up your title."
"Because I just found out that I am pregnant."
All the girls reactions were priceless. Seeing them jump for joy at the baby news kind of gets me excited for this new chapter in my life.
"Wait hold on have you told Mark."
"No Nikki and I don't know how to tell him."
"Only thing I wanna know is who are the top 5 diva's."
Charlotte has been after the divas championship ever since she came to the main roster.
"Well one of the top 5 isn't you so run along little bulldog before I send you to the pound."

Divas match:
I'm in commentary's area and I just told the WWE Universe
about the divas match and my pregnancy and right now they're still chanting my name.
"The following contest is a fatal 5 way match scheduled for one fault. The first diva to grab a pin fault or submission will become the divas champion. Introducing first from Scottsdale, Arizona Brie Bella, from Norwich, England Paige, from Dublin, Ireland Becky Lynch, from
Boston, Massachusetts Sasha Bank's, and from Compton, California Eva Marie."

End of the match:
So far Paige and Brie have been dominating the other three divas until Brie put the Bella Buster on Paige and won the match.
I never been more happy and proud of Brie. She deserves it 100%.
I got in the ring and immediately hugged her and held her hand in the air as the new divas champion.

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