Do You Dare to Bachata? Part I [Unedited]

Start from the beginning

"Yep, doing a dare. You game?"

His eyes widen, grinning ear to eat he agreed. "So what is this dare?"

"I'm going to be doing bachata with someone on the dance floor. But for that we need music and space."

"DJ Derek is your man!" He held out his fist and we 'fist pump'. "Got any songs in mind?"

I thought about it for a moment. "Play Blurred Lines first then Te Extrano by Xtreme"

DJ Derek has this glint in his eyes, "Blurred Lines huh? What's that for?” 

“So I know that the song is coming next.”

“Alrighty then. Lets get this show on the road."


"So whom is the unlucky fellow you have picked out to dance with me?"

Aisha eyes glimmer with impish. "Maddox."

My eyes nearly pop out. "What! Him? Why him? Out of all the boys that came today why—"

"You. Cannot whine.” She cut me off. “You agreed to my terms so now," grabbing me by the shoulder, she started to push me towards him. “Go get him!” she gave me such a big shove that I almost tripped over, if it wasn't for Maddox, who just so happens to be standing in front of me and catching me in time.

I let out a nervous chuckle. “Hey.”

Maddox was one of those people you just knew, there’s not one person who didn't know him. We’ve know each other since the first day of high school, considering the fact that for the first three years we were in the same classes and in our final year, the we shared the same Psychology and Science class. There was one point in our years together were we got close but that ended as quickly as it manifested.  

“Hey yourself.” He greets, going with the flow he place his hands cautiously on my hips and move to the beat of the music. I react with my arms going around his neck. “So what was with Aisha? I saw here with that infamous smirk of hers.”

“You saw that huh?” 

“Kinda hard not to miss. Especially when you suddenly left her company and went to the DJ.” Maddox glances down, meeting my eyes. Out of all the boys here today, Aisha just had to pick the one boy I can't handle. The one boy I always avoided telling the truth.

I can tell you the truth. I really enjoyed my time with him. He was just so easy to talk to; we just… clicked. It felt natural to talk to him, natural to be besides him at times and so easy just to flow with him. There was a reason behind the dissolution of our friendship, and she's currently dancing — grinding — with one of our friend, Dale. This began during our first year in high school; Levana made a public claim on Maddox, even confessed to him, numerous times. Only to be shot down, numerous of times. But that didn't stop right there.

Maddox and I would talk occasionally, acknowledging each other in the corridors, making small talks every now and then; it was only when they changed the seating arrangement is when we got close. Lets just say, she wasn't too happy. She made it clear about what would happen if we were to get any closer than we were.

“You saw that?”

His chest rumbles, “Mmhmm… so what have you been up to?” Maddox whispers into my ear with that tone of voice.

I sigh; he knows I can't lie to him when he does that, there’s seriously something wrong with this guy. There are times where I think he's from another planet with that voice of his. It's so compelling, like a truth serum. “How do you feel about doing a dance with me?” 

“Aren’t we already dancing?” motioning with his eyes.

I roll mine, “I mean, dance. Like the bachata…” my voice trails off to a mumble, he still manage to catch what I said.

“Bachata? You know how to bachata?” he sounds surprise. 

The song changed; it was playing La la la by Naughty Boy. Someone bump into us, almost tripping me over again; it force Maddox to pull me closer, forcing me to feel every inch of his body. Oh my god, this is a little to close for comfort — I knew he works out but this goes beyond working out. I can feel every detail of his abs that is semi-rock hard. Right this instance, I can feel every one of his six-packs and let me tell you, they are sinful. The tempo between Maddox and I changed; his arms were no longer just resting on my hips, they were wrapped securely around my waist, his face’s dangerously close to mine; I can feel the slight stubble on his cheek, which lightened the situation between us.

“Did you shave?”

He blinks several times, “Huh? Err… I did.” Now it's his turn to let out a nervous chuckle, “You can tell?” 

“Well, considering how you're keeping me this close.” I pointed out. Unconsciously my fingers trace and flutter gently over his skin, not yet touching it, just leaving a feathery trail.

“I like having you this close.” Did he just… I mean… I can have… I swear I heard him moan. “I missed this. Us.” That's something I agreed with.  “What happened?” He let me go only to turn me around till my back was facing him. His hand wonder downwards from my waist, I gasp when he brush against my belly piercing. He groans, “We definitely been apart for too long if I didn't know you go this.” He motioned to my piercing by toying with it. I can feel my eyes closing as I sink deeper into his body, giving in to the sensation he's rousing in me.

What the hell is happening? What's wrong with me? I feel out of breath and we His hands wonder further down, applying the slightest pressure on my abdomen whilst his other hand makes its path up my arm. “Maddox…” Shit that came out more like a moan than me sounding annoyed. The beat of the music became more distinctive and under his touch we move more rhythmically to the music; he rocked me back and forth using his hip and hand, moving as one, in a fluid motion. Soon we were doing what everybody else is doing — grinding. But it feels more than that, it feels... almost intimate.

“I’ll dance with you, if,” his hands halt in their caresses but continues with his smooth movements.

“You tell me what happened.”

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