Pippi x Ryuto

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Pippi's POV

I was walking to school in my line and that's when I saw him.... Ryuto Ippongo his red hair spiked with his bandana, and his dreamy eyes. I've liked him forever now and I can't even talk to him. Its only us two in the computer lab and there is like 5 empty seats between us. I wonder if he will notice my feelings.

Ryuto's POV

I'm going about my day, and I see the most beautiful girl at Akademi high Pippi Osu. I love the way her short black and pink hair curves around her chin, and her luscious green eyes. We barely talk though, I wish I would have the courage to go up and tell her how I feel.

3rd POV

It was a normal day, Midori stood on the rooftop as usual, the occult club trying to summon demons, the martial arts club sparing and training, and Pippi Osu and Ryuto Ippongo awkwardly in the computer lab....alone....just the two of them....and they have feelings for each other. They don't even know that they share feelings too, but the schools matchmaker Saki Miyu knew of this. "Hey Pippi!" Saki called "hello Saki, how are you?" She responded. "I'm good...I was wondering if after school you would come to the park, but meet me in the forest area." Saki asked. "Uh sure." She hesitated. "Great! I'm thinking about 4:30?" Saki said with a grin. "Yeah sounds great." Pippi said as she looked at the clock. "Sorry I gotta go to the lab! Bye Saki." She waved at the cyan haired girl, in return Saki waved back.

Saki went to the plaza only to see that Ryuto was running to the restroom. This was her chance so she approached him. "Hey Ryuto can you go to the park this evening around 4:30?" She asked. "Why?" He was curious. "Because um...Sora...yeah Sora wanted me to ask you to meet him at the park." She lied. "Okay but why can't he just ask me himself?" "Because he had to run an errand for Sensei." "Oh okay..." He said as he walked off to the lab. Just as he sat down is was time to go to class. He got his stuff and went to class. Class had gone by quick. It was now lunch back to the lab. He played trying to beat his high score at his game but he never could.

Before they knew it lunch was over. They sat back down waiting for school to end. Saki left as soon as school got out to set up Pippi and Ryuto's date. Once 4:30 arrived Pippi came in a nice dark blue jacked with a yellow shirt and black pants. Ryuto came in black button up shirt and grey pants. Once they saw each other they panicked. "What are you doing here?!? I'm supposed to meet Saki!" "Wait....Saki invited you? Sora invited me well...Saki said he wanted me to come." "She was playing matchmaker again wasn't she?" Pippi laughed trying to make things less awkward only having the opposite effect. "W-Well I mean we could go along with it I guess...I-I'm sorry...ugh I can't do this anymore! Pippi I love you I need you...please." He confessed.

"Oh Ryuto you don't know how long I've been dying to hear you say that." He looked up "Really?" He asked shocked. "Yes really." She said with her sweet voice. Ryuto picked himself up and grabbed her kissing her. They soon sat somehow not breaking the kiss. "Ryuto...please... I-I want you." Pippi whispered. He didn't hesitate to meet her commands. She took of his headband and he grabbed his shirt taking it off. She laid her head in his chest as he started tugging at her shirt wanting her to take it off. She did as asked revealing her pixel bra. Before Ryuto could do anything Pippi kissed him. He unclipped her bra letting it fall on the grass. He blushed " Pippi you are so beautiful... " He stated. Pippi blushed and kisssd him. He licked her collarbone. He licked down down down, until he reached her pants. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked worryingly. "Ryuto I have loved you for years, of course I want to." She whispered. With that he unbuttoned her pants and slid them off. She did the same to him. She slid off the last of her clothes and looked up waiting for him to do the same. He got out of his boxers and went over to Pippi.

He kissed her as he entered her. Pippi squealed and cried a single tear. He waited for the okay to continue, once she nodded that she was ready to continue he pushed further. Soon pain became pleasure for Pippi. "I love you Ryuto I really do!" She said under her breath. A few moments later they reached their climaxes together. They immediately got changed but before Pippi could get her shirt back on.......Sora and Saki showed up. "Yes!" Saki yelled as she hugged Sora. "Saki you're hugging me again, I know you like me but please get off." He said while starring at Ryuto and Pippi. Pippi looked embarrassed because it was obvious what they had gotten up to, but she decided that it was okay. Her and Ryuto walked home holding hands.

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