The New Guy

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I loved High School.

Weird of me to say, right? I mean most teenagers dread going to school everyday whether they are one of the popular kids who is forced to actually use that small brain of theirs or a so-called "nerd" who is forced to be an outcast.

The point is, everyone hates High School whether they know it or not. Except for me, Samantha Moore. Sam for short. I loved High School. No scratch that - I was going to love senior year. All the parties and not having to worry about anything or anyone but myself. You'd think I could fly by this year right?


My whole "perfect" senior year image was ruined all thanks to Will Scott.


"All I'm saying Sam, is that you would be so much happier if you actually joined the squad." Ah, that all too familair voice belonged to my best friend since diapers, Molly Turner.

She was rambling on and on about how senior year would be the best year of our lives together if I joined the cheer squad with her. 

Here, let me tell you something. Molly was a cheerleader. I was not. Simple as that. Not that there is anything wrong with being a cheerleader because there isn't. Who else is going to keep us entertained at those stupid pep-rallies?

"Molly, how many times do I have to tell you? I trip over flat surfaces and walk into doors. Any activity that involves movement just isn't for me." I told her for the millionth time. 

We walked side by side up the front steps that led to Edison High School. Kids were sprawled out on the steps, some texting, some talking to their friends and others flipping rapidy through their textbooks which made no sense since today was the first day of school which means, obviously no homework was given out.

"Sam, Sam, SAM! It would be so much fun though!" She urged. "Just think. Cheerleaders get all the guys! Not that you have a problem getting guys because you are drop dead gorgeous, but Sam, its senior year! Guys have been begging on their knees to be with you for the last three years and you just turn every single one of them down. This is your chance to take the guys at this school by storm...again."

Molly was very persistant. She would say anything and everything to get her way. So yeah, maybe it's true that guys did take every chance they had to ask me out and maybe I did turn them all down but I had good reasons. 

"No. It's not going to happen."

Molly huffed as she stomped her foot down on the pavement, her blonde curls bouncing as she did so. Molly was really popular with the guys at Edison. She had that blonde hair that most girls around here wished they had. She walked around with enough confidence to make other girls throw dagger eyes at her. She was the envy of the girls at school with her slim, athletic body and her green eyes that had all the guys wanting more. 

"But...but...but look how long Carter and I have been together! We met at a football game. Think about it. If I wasn't a cheerleader, we never would have met." All I heard coming from her mouth was a load of bull.

I adjusted the bag on my shoulder and held my books close to my chest as I leaned back against the side of the front steps. "Molly, you and Carter have only been together for two months. Plus you met him at the library, though I have no idea what the hell he was doing there."

That comment obviously made Molly upset because her green eyes were basically peircing right through me. She knew I caught her just trying to force me onto the damn squad. 

"Sorry, sorry!" I held one hand up defensively as the other still held onto my books. I couldn't help but laugh.  "You know its true. Carter in a library is like a penguin in the desert. It just isn't right."

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