"Lara, can you please let me talk?" Parker said.

"Yes, sure you can talk." She wiped off a tear which broke loose from her eye. "You have your chance to think of new lies to tell to me for keeping late nights and fire outbreaks and all that jazz," she said, stomping all the way to her room.

Professor Parker could feel the whole world crashing down on him as he followed his wife into the room, all the while, trying to calm her down and have her listen to his side of the story. His pleas and explanations all fell on deaf ears and after many attempts, he had his mind made up. It was one thing having an apparition take lives at its own will all in the name of revenge, it was another thing having to bear the guilt of breaking your own home over circumstances which you've had to make tough choices about.

Without another word, he grabbed the car keys and flung a coat over his shoulder, leaving behind Lara in her heart broken state. Her heart ached watching him leave the room, and it ached even more wondering what stupid move Parker was going to make next. As much as she hated him at this point in her life, she couldn't ignore how important he was to her, even when he doesn't see it.

It took some minutes getting to the hospital where Marcello was still receiving treatment. Through the entire drive, a barrage of thoughts and questions stomped his subconscious and his senses were all bent on finding answers which hopefully, Marcello would have- he couldn't possibly think of another source.

Marcello laid still on the bed with one of his eyes shut, the other covered in bandage his fingers and his hands, interlocked into each other by the time Parker and the boys reached his ward. Chris' heart paused for a moment at the sight of the priest who remained quite lifeless on the bed where he was, Mr. Parker on the other hand wasn't surprised in the slightest seeing his friend in that state since at some point or the other, he had come across Marcello in his meditating state of mind.

"You should be out there, trying to send off a wandering apparition," Marcello blurted, hardly moving a muscle.

Chris's eyebrows creased in surprise at Marcello's voice, he put away the thought of a 'dead Marcello' which had formed in his mind seeing him like that at first.

"Not if it got to us first," Professor Parker answered, walking over to his friend's bed side. "Marcello, the apparition was at the house and-"

"The house's safe Parker, you worry too much."

"Safe. What do you mean by safe?" Henry asked with skepticism, suspecting that Marcello probably didn't hear what Mr. Parker had said.

"The house isn't what it's after," Marcello said, opening his eyes, "it's you."

"Right." Chris ran his hand over hair, "guess we'll just have to wait our own turn now."

"Look Marcello, we pulled some things together. Remember that link you talked about?" Marcello nodded gently. "I think we got it," Parker said and then briefed Marcello on all what they'd come across with their findings.

"Something still doesn't sound right with all of that." Marcello pulled himself up on the bed gently, "there's something missing somehow."

"What now?" Chris said, walking over to Marcello's bed side, wondering what more bad news he had to hear now.

"You made mention of the witness, the students and the editor, all of them, dead," Marcello paused for a moment, "If we're judging by the M2 murder files and everyone who's had knowledge of it there's still-"

"Professor Wells," Parker muttered out loud before Marcello could finish what he had to say. The words came out with trembling and fear, knowing what was in store for the V.C.


Professor Wells grumbled when he heard his phone ring as he was yet to leave the bath tub. He listened again, hoping that the phone had stopped ringing but no, there was his ring tone again for the second time.

"It's your phone, honey," his wife said from the bedroom, loud enough for him to hear.

"I'd be there in a moment," he answered, sinking more into the bath tub and resting his head so he was facing the finely designed ceiling.

His hands slipped as he tried getting out of the water which was now getting somewhat cold-weird. He cursed getting old under his breath as he pulled himself up again but his hand slipped once more, this time he smacked his jaw on the railing of the tub. The clanking sound of his tooth as it dropped into the water caught his attention; he glared as blood dropped from his numb mouth into the water which was now tuning crimson. His lips shivered, the voice of his wife calling out to him faded out slowly as his body went into a sort of convulsion.

Without much pressure, his body slipped into the once warm bathing water which was now freezing cold with one hand hanging outside the bathtub. His eye lids flickered frailly and just before they finally shut, he saw the masculine shadow-like image.

**Okay, after the next few parts, things could get all gh-a-stly so brace yourselves guys XXD And hey, what do you think of Mr. Jones so far? How do you see the whole story ending? :)**


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