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A wise person once told me that if things never changed, we wouldn't have butterflies.
That saying stuck with me through my entire life, and I never took the time to sit and think about what it really meant.
I always thought that it was just another funny quote people would use to get through life, but now, I know what it means. I always thought that I knew what love was, and that I knew how to care, and to make people happy. But then I realized that it all comes down to mercy, and pity. People only do what's best for them, and they try to make themselves look like the best person on earth. I had always hated people like that, until I found out one day, that what I hate in other people, are the things I hate about myself. I was always too kind, and I always did things for people, and I never got anything in return. Of course, I wasn't to expect anything, because I went to church, and I was taught that the Lord only loves cheerful givers. I was taught to be nice, and polite to my elders, and to treat people the same way that I wanted to be treated. I was taught that not asking questions, and being quiet was better than making people uncomfortable. I was taught that lies were better than the truth when it came to complimenting people. My parents always told me to be nice, even when I didn't like the person. I was taught to be quiet when I didn't have anything nice to say. But I was never taught how to hold my tongue, and I was never taught what to say. I had to figure it out for myself. I was never taught that people don't like anger, and that angry people were sometimes ignored. I was never taught that certain things would get me in trouble, even though other children were doing them. I was never taught how to be greatful, or that I should put others before my self. That I should make sure that my neighbors have enough, and that when one person gets something, you don't always get what they get. There's a reason for my ranting, you see. I remember learning that writing something down, and then throwing it away, is one of the best ways to get rid of anger. Well, how could one person hold so much anger? How could I, one of the happiest people on earth, be so bitter, and jealous of others? Well, I also know why I'm so angery, and bitter. I finally snapped. I couldn't take it anymore. I know, I know, you're asking yourself, "what is she talking about, snapping?" Well, let's just say, I murdered someone, because of a simple question, and a lullaby.

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