ー Covers • Rules ー

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1. Fill the form correctly.
2. Wait patiently.
3. Ding! Ding! Cover's here!

Simple as that! But let's set some ground rules okay?

First, we all know taking credit for something you didn't do is ba-- Very bad.

So I would appreciate it if you keep my watermark in the cover and not just blur or smudge it off in some picture editing program.

My watermarks won't be that noticeable anyway and it will blend in with the cover.

Second, are you even reading this? You better, because I've put in a special task to do before you request for a cover! It's an easy task of course!

Just answer the secret question hidden in this part after you fill in the form!

Have you missed it? Or is it still up ahead? It's easy!

Third, payment is cheap! No money! Just a follow and cover credit in the summary! Secret Question: What's the name of a popular cat collecting game app? Ne - -  - - s - - -

Important! I refuse to make covers for stories that are related to vampires and or werewolves. Please don't be offended by this, I have my personal reasons.

Edit (160521) - I will be sending the link to the covers rather than sending them through Email!

That's it! Finally to the form, which is in the next part so that this part won't be cluttered!

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