Courage (Edited 1)

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Rua's POV:

Damn, Mr. Avery. Her body immediately recognized him and her pseudo-spidy senses were definitely tingling. Again, she'd made an utter fool of herself. Why did she have to keep running into him? He is YOUR teacher! Sometimes being practical even in your own thoughts was a drag. One part of her wanted to stand up, brush herself off, and casually walk away. The other part of her was quite comfortable with her predicament.

Truthfully, she wanted to strip him and marvel at what a work of art God created. Rationality set in and reminded her of a few truths. A. That was considered sexual assault. B. She shouldn't press her limits. C. He might not be into her. Concentrating on breathing she tried to remain perfectly still but it was difficult. Heat radiated from his impressive body causing her body to shiver. His hard muscles flexed underneath her palm splayed on his solid chest.

Slowly, she moved her hand across his chest. Pausing when she heard a soft moan. It was sexy and filled with need. Was that him or me? Closing her eyes she sighed. What the h-e-double-pickup-sticks am I doing? He has a nice body! A toffee palm swept brazenly downwards grazing over his abdomen. He had a impressive six-pack. Very nice indeed! Down girl! Biting her lip she marveled at her situation. She never imagined that she would end up in this position.

Well not this early! She smacked herself mentally. Loco. Her thoughts were fruitless. After all he was her teacher and likely twenty something, so he wouldn't be interested in an eighteen year old. She wasn't interested in him either. Girl, stop lying to yourself! Sometimes her thoughts had a tendency to runaway on a tangent. Obviously, she needed to pray more because this was bananas.

Every time she was around him it was as if something in her was unleashed. The feminine side of her wanted to be reckless. Her bodies natural reaction to him was not only frightening but also left her feeling a little awkward. She wasn't used feeling this way about a guy. Crushes and guy friends she had but this was different. This was a real man.

He was all man and that was the problem. Well it was her problem. He was a grown man and her teacher. He could be your man. You're eighteen and legal'...' Again, shut up, will you!' Rua wasn't in the mood to argue even in her own thoughts. His grip tightened and she became aware of just how close they were.

She wasn't as shy as she once was but there was just something about him that made her nervous. Besides the obvious. Inhaling deeply her nose tingled as his cologne played havoc with her senses. He always smelled good, but she would deny noticing if anyone asked. She was too aware of this dude!

As if on its own his body drew closer to hers and the more aware of him she became. This is why she kept her distance. Taking another sniff of his sweater she smiled. Calvin Klein's Obsession. Yep, the guy had taste or maybe some lucky girl bought it for him. Biting her lip she suppressed the urge to snarl. Now she was getting jealous of some imaginary chick. Oh, the horror!

Lately, her eyes seemed to be drawn to him whenever he entered the room. She half heartedly listen to the lesson but her eyes never strayed from his enticing lips. It was as if he had become her obsession. She wasn't delusional. They had a connection. A magnetic pull that pulsed through the air whenever they were near each other. She tried to ignore it but she just couldn't deny it.

Curious lingering glances were often directed her way during class. She never addressed his subtly glances because there was no malice or creepiness. Besides she didn't know what to say. He was out of her league. Her last and only relationship had been with Caleb Smith. All the girls she knew had a crush or a boyfriend in kindergarten. Little Cal had been her boyfriend for about a month. It was her longest relationship to date. Don't judge me I was like six.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2022 ⏰

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