New beginnings [Edited 1]

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Rua's POV:

Sitting at her desk, head buried in another P. C. Cast book, tawny eyes scanned the pages. Absorbing every word. She loved the stories that she wrote. Her books were always filled with magic, humor, and romance. They were always captivating even if the content wasn't as complex as some of the books that she read but even more entertaining.

Despite being fully immersed in the books world the conversations going on around her polluted her ears. She was fully aware of her surroundings. Years of ease dropping on her brother's phone conversations often came in handy. A girl can never have enough dirt. Boy, did he have a few whoopers that she now kept confidentially under wraps.

Her classmates were discussing the usual mindless subjects. Who was sleeping with whom or cheating with someone else's boyfriend/girlfriend. Who had a party. What new gadget their mommy or daddy brought them or what they planned to do after school today. BORING BORING BORING!
It was the usual crap but at least she didn't hear Trevor's name mentioned.

Don't get me wrong I love my brother but I'm glad that I don't have any classes with him this year. He has to always be the center of attention but I like to blend in. At times it's a little embarrassing but you couldn't help but love the guy. It was also annoying being compared to him but it was para for the course. His usual m.o. was sleeping or talking in class. It was a marvel that he'd made it this far. Then again both mommy and daddy had plenty of money in the bank. He was smart but didn't apply himself.

Thump. Closing her book, glancing over to her right,  she frowned at Lacy's pink and purple backpack haphazardly laying on the checkered tile floor. Rolling her eyes she watched Lacy slide into the vacant seat beside her. The distracting ticking of the clock informed her that once again Lacy was late as usual. "Hey, Lace what's up," She heard one of the boys exclaim. She recognized that voice instantly and moaned subconsciously.

That deep timber always invoked shivers. Matthew Peterson. Rua kinda had a crush on him but the feelings lessened when they hit jr. high. But a girl can still wonder. What if? Mat was cute and all but he was also a player. She wasn't feeling him like that but she couldn't deny the things his voice did to her. As captain of the varsity basketball team he had his pick of the harem a.k.a any willing and able s'more.

His popularity, looks, and family connections garnered him plenty of action. Mr. Peterson was an Indy cup champion race car driving legend and his mom was an ex-women's football player. His popularity was equal among both the girls and the guys. Children of the elite walked the hallowed halls of their school. Much like everywhere in society money and clout talked.

Matt was a flirt but what really doused the flames of her crush was the fact that he did reciprocate her feelings. He had a crush on Lacy but sadly, she never paid him any attention. Like all of the other heifers she was hung up on Trevor. Literally she was stuck on stupid. Lacy's bad taste in guys aside she was a great friend.

"Hey," she replied nonchalantly, but Rua could tell that she was only being polite. She didn't even glance his way as she winked at me. It stumped her that someone so talented and smart was even remotely interested in her pig-headed brother. Then again we all have flaws or weaknesses. The girl was mad talented. Lacy could sing, compose, and play guitar but she only revealed these talents to those whom she trusts.

Lacy was far deeper than she looked. She dressed like a stereotypical preppy cheerleader but there was so much more to her than what the eyes could see. Even though she seldom showed it. Lacy perched on the wooden seat, unzipped her backpack, and took out a Seventeen Magazine. Flipping through it distractedly. Not once did she look up and see the disappointment in Mat's turquoise gaze. Typical!

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