Chapter Thrty-Two

Start from the beginning

"Maura it's going to be fine"

"No it’s not, Casper! I loved him, I really did, and he knew. But it was all some stupid game. I'm never going to see the others again. Because of him, nothing is going to be fine. Nothing."

I didn’t only just lost my best friend and boyfriend, but also seven of my closest friends. Thanks Zayn.

"Yes it is. I'm sure this was all Perries plan, just to let you hate him"

"Well, it worked" I lay my head in the palm of my hands and just let the tears roll down my face.


Perrie’s pov

I assume my master plan worked. I've got Maura out of Zayn's life, so he's mine again. Now he's a wreck, I could do anything with him. Anything. Stupid Maura. Thinking that Zayn kissed me. Told him we weren't over. I never loved Zayn, that's true, but I'm sure I could bring his love for me back. So I can have some fun, playing with him, and I'll get some publicity at the same time. Good job Perrie!


Niall’s pov

“Bye sexy face” I give Jessie a kiss on her cheek and get in the car.

"Hello" Luc says.

"Hi" I say sitting down.

Only a ten minute drive and we're back home. First thing I'm going to do; eat! Maybe we can stop at Nando's first.

"Home!" Louis says happy when he gets in the car.

"Wooh" we all yell, accept for Zayn.

"Zayn, what's up, mate?" Liam asks.

"Nothing, can we please go home" he answers.

"Sure, just tell us if there’s something, ok?"

"Yeah" Zayn says looking away.

He's biting his lip, and there are tears in his eyes. What happened? Is something with Maura? I hope they're ok, because he really likes her. Like, really likes her.


Zayn’s pov

I run to my room, close my door and curtains and let myself fall down on my bed.

How can things you've worked so hard for be ruined so easily? I fucking hate Perrie. How am I ever getting Maura back? I don't know what to do without her, she's my everything. I know we've only dated a week, but it felt like we already had a relationship for like five years. I’ve liked her since the day I saw her at Nando’s, she is… was my best friend. Maybe she knows that I would never hurt her. Maybe she was just tired… I'll call her tomorrow, maybe I can explain what just happened.


Maura’s pov

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