I watched lots of anime. But Kuroko no Basket was always my favourite. The plot and the characters were so well developed and wrapped together creating something that brought color to my world. Kind of ironic since the main characters all have rainbow coloured hair. No black and white in sight. 

When I died, I was proposed a deal by God. Apparently sacrificing your life (or in my case, legs) for someone else results as a second chance. Me, being a 13 year old when I done it was a bonus. Given a Guardian angel named Sara who was not surprisingly a hardcore fangirl of KnB, whose mortal form was a brown tailed hawk. I was reincarnated as Kagami Taiga but for one thing I look completely different. 

I tucked a loose red hair strand behind my ear even though it fell back in place. I shivered slightly as I noticed some girls in the Teiko uniform staring at me with scary possessive eyes. 

I was wearing the Teiko uniform loosely. The tie loosened and flowing with the breeze along with my long thigh length blinding red hair which was messed up to look more natural. A small silver locket was hanging from my neck along with a single silver earring on my left ear. A white fedora with a lose black ribbon was on my head tipped downwards to shadow my eyes slightly. My school bag which I was holding behind me had two cute pokemon charms dangling together. In other words...

"Why are you looking like the main male lead in a shoujo manga?" Sara asked nonchalantly noticing the many stares in my direction. I sighed before I smirked slightly, "I'll answer you question if you answer mine."

Sara did a shrug as she waited for my answer. "Well first off, you and God made me look like this, second I always had a natural sense of fashion so I can't help it. Your turn."

Sara blew another bubble letting the bubble pop before answering while chewing. "Well you're going to Teiko because I thought it would be more interesting that way. And besides, since your quite different from the original Kagami Taiga, the least you can do is deal with a few changes here and there. But no worries, none the characters will change themselves."

I nodded absently as the Teiko school building came into sight. 

"Here we are, I watch you from afar. Oh and remember not to show off any of your special traits too much. I still want you to show off but just don't make it suspicious, 'kay? Later!" Sara disappeared.

'My special traits, huh?' I thought.


"Special traits? Is that completely necessary?" I asked.

"Well if you really want to make a difference in the world of Kuroko no Basuke, I personally think that these special traits are much needed." Sara replied.

"Fine. Name them." I stated. I guess this is my version of sulking.

"Stop sulking, there not that bad. Anyone else would be delighted for these skills. You sure are a strange one." Sara sighed.

"Ok, so first off, your appearance. While I won't spoil it for now, I must say it would certainly be something. To explain it to you in simple words. 'I would so date you if I didn't know you personally.'" 

I mentally slapped my forehead. In other words, a pain.

"Second, a lithe body. Your body will be considerably small, about slightly smaller then Akashi. But your body is very very adaptable. Meaning you will heal easily, move so fast that its scary, do flexible moves that are considered inhuman, and a should be mentioning strength. The only thing that should be the same is that you will have the original Kagami Taiga's jumping power except it will be more refined."

I would actually like that very much. After being crippled for so long, moving around like a maniac would probably be the first thing I would do. And I suppose I can deal with the height. I mean, it doesn't really matter anyway, right? Kuroko was the original midget in the GoM yet he still beat them all.

"Third is half-supernatural sight and hearing. Should be self-explanatory. Sharp and wide range sight and sensitive hearing."

"You will still have the ability to use 13% of your brain, however in return your sense of taste might be messed up in a way....well shouldn't be much of a difference."

I'm actually kind of curious on this subject...

"And lastly, besides being naturally talented prodigy genius and all, I'm giving you supernatural ability. Nothing big, just the ability to understand and control with animals and plants. And by control I mean kindly asking them to do favors for you or easily taming a beast. Well probably a useless ability for anything to do with basketball but who knows?"

That is completely random. Need I remind you that this is a classic sports and shonen anime/ manga series, nothing magical or supernatural about it. But then again, that zone doesn't seem human... well its anime, all anime has magic I guess.

Sara crumpled the piece of paper she was reading of and made it disappear in a flash of light. "Anyway, when you use the internet, you will be able to access anime songs, info, or anything else as long as its not real news from your world."


I sighed. 

'Well, while I am here I think its best to keep a eye on things from afar. Meaning trying to avoid the GoM as long as you can--'

I bumped into something or someone, but didn't fall only stepping back as I re-composed myself. "I'm sorry, are you alright-" I stopped when I saw strikingly familiar teal hair.

Someone up there hates me. I know it. All this reincarnation generosity is b*llsh*t.

But then again, what can I do about it? I'm a genius child prodigy with somewhat freaky supernatural abilities, but still can't beat a God.

Sigh. This ruins all my plans. Well, might as well go along with the flow.

I mentally face palmed while on the outside I smiled slightly as if amused. I bent down on one knee and held out a hand. "Are you alright? I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

Kuroko Tetsuya widened his eyes as I saw something I deemed as shock. Shock of being spotted?

"Ano..." I said in a slightly teasing voice. Kuroko shook himself out of shock as he took my hand as I pulled him back up.

"G-Gomenasai...its just that I'm surprised you saw me." I raised an eyebrow as I pretended to look slightly confused while in reality I was amused.

"Surprised that I saw you? What do you mean? You practically stand out with that teal hair and unusual light blue eyes of yours."

Kuroko had another look of shock. I noticed his cheeks turn pink slightly while I chuckled. How adorable.

I held out my hand with a rare natural smile that seemed to shine the shadow away. "My name is Kagami Taiga, first year. You?" 

Kuroko smiled a small yet a smile that was radiating hidden happiness. "My name is Kuroko Tetsuya, its nice to meet you too, Kagami-kun."

The school bell rang as I waved a quick goodbye as I walked quickly to the school building.

'Well there goes my plan of avoiding the GoM, but surprisingly I don't regret it..' I thought remember Kuroko's small smile.


I know that I have to many stories and I rarely update these days. But I've decided that this is my server. The stories belong to me. So I can do what I want. I want to update on them, I really do. But I'm seriously busy. So I'm very sorry that I won't be able to update more regularly then I hope for.

I just think that while I still have the inspiration I should use that writer's block to its limits before I lose interest.

Again, sorry for my weird mood swings.

Kuroko no Basket: In KnB reincarnated as Kagami?!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora