Chapter 3

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Iceland was sitting on his bed, on his phone. Hong Kong was sitting in front of him.

"What are you doing that is more, like, important than me?"

"I am talking to my girlfriend, shut up."

Hong Kong poked Iceland's forehead. Iceland didn't care and just ignored him, continuing his typing. Hong Kong got an idea and smirked.

"Are you a fart? Because you totally just blew me away."

Iceland slowly looked up from his phone screen. He just stared at him for a minute before slapping him across the face. Hong Kong fell off the bed, crawling towards the door, he turned his head back to look at Iceland.

"Was your daddy, like, a baker? 'Cause you have a nice set of buns."

Iceland's ears turned red and he pointed at the door, "get out!"

Hong Kong snickered before saying one last thing, "your lips look lonely, would they, like, like to meet mine?"

Iceland turned off his phone and slammed it on his bed before stomping over to the other male, "I said get out!" Then he kicked his ass. Literally.

He quickly crawled out of the room groaning about how Iceland kicks too hard.

About five seconds after Hong Kong left, Norway walked in. Iceland let out an exasperated sigh, he just wanted to be left alone.

"What do you want?" He glared at his brother.

Norway just rolled his eyes, walking away muttering something about coffee getting cold. Iceland froze, thinking about if he should stay in his room like he wanted to or just go get the coffee that he suddenly craved. He decided to call for help, 'this should catch someone's attention...' he thought.

"Help! Somebody help me!" He was right, about ten seconds after he yelled, Finland ran in with a sniper. Yes, a sniper, because Finland is just that badass.

"What happened?! Are you okay?!" He looked Iceland straight in the eyes.

Iceland nodded and pointed out the door, "Can you go get my coffee for me?"

Finland stopped all movement, dropped the sniper and closed his eyes. He started taking deep breaths, "are you... kidding me?!"

I feer so evir doing this right now, but I rike making peopre wait to know what happens next. It makes this a rot more fun. (Don't mind the notification if you got one, I was just editing) (393 words) (the next chapter wirr be a rot ronger)

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