Pinky Swear

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[Steve logged in]

[Steve has invited Tony to the chatroom]

Tony: capsicle

Steve: hey can you keep a secret?

Tony: yeah sure, why not?

Steve: remember when I said, "I understood that reference." ?

Tony: yeah?

Steve: *whispers* I didn't really understand that reference. Don't tell anyone, okay?

Tony: your secret's safe with me.

Steve: Okay, we should pinky swear to seal the deal

Tony: I pinky swear

[Tony and Steve have logged off]

                             2 hours later

[Tony has invited the avengers and Loki]

Tony: hey guys Steve didn't really get the reference!

Avengers: {stares into the camera like in the Office}

Steve: YOU PINKY SWORE!!!!!!


Okay this was really short but I had to make it XD. credit to the person who gave me this idea. Next chapter thinking about doing Civil War ^_^ until next time

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