[ 1 ] The Akatsuki

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I blinked at Hidan. His gray hair was sleeked back and sadist eyes were boring into my own. I couldn't think of anything to say, except for spluttered sounds. 

"I think she's shit her pants, Kakuzu," Hidan muttered to his partner. 

"I did not!" Those were the very first words that I spoke during my kidnapping. My head was spinning and I was frightened out of my wits. I was surprised that I actually didn't shit my pants. 

Hidan rubbed his oval-shaped jaw and squatted down so that our faces were directly pointed at each other. My heart was hammering so painfully. 

"What's your name, kid?" Hidan asked, his voice full of arrogance. 

Anger flashed on my face. He and his stupid partner kidnapped someone that they don't know? 

A slow realization dawned upon me. I could make it seem like they kidnapped the wrong person...hmm..

"Why should I tell you?" I fired. Hidan's eyes flashed dangerous. Instinctively, he reached behind him to his weapon. A red and black triple-bladed scythe that didn't look very friendly when it comes in contact with flesh. 

"I'll ask again. What is your name, kid?" Hidan narrowed his eyes at me. His partner, Kakuzu with a mask covering his entire head except for his eyes, sighed and crossed his arms expectantly. 

I took all of my guts to say, "You kidnap someone that you don't even know the name of? You two must be the worst kidnappers ever." 

Hidan growled and leaped to his feet, brandishing his triple-bladed scythe. "Kid, you're a hundred years my junior to even think about getting sassy with me!" 

I swallowed, sweat breaking out onto my hairline. Kakuzu to the left sighed again. "Hidan," he chided in a deep voice that sent cold shivers up my spine. "Put that away." 

"Aw," Hidan whined like a child. "It won't kill her to lose a couple of limbs." 

I looked anxiously at Kakuzu. Looks like this guy can control the maniacal Hidan. "No," Kakuzu said firmly. "We need her alive. Put that away." 

Begrudgingly, Hidan slipped his scythe back onto his back and gave me a cold, hard glare instead. "Fine Kakuzu, get information out of her, then. I'm going to go look around." 

Hidan leaped into the trees and with the leaves rustling, he disappeared somewhere off into the woods. My breaths were as shallow as they could be. A menacing vibe was radiating off of Kakuzu as he slowly approached me. I had no where to run. My hands and feet were tied with scratchy yet thick ropes. Some of my skin around my wrists broke because of it's roughness. 

Kakuzu, sensing himself being the superior in this scenario, just looked down upon me with green eyes that were filled with murder yet boredom. "Your name?" 

This guy didn't have to ask twice. "Akari." 

"Full name?" 

"Akari Kakachi." 

"Akari, do you know who we are?" Kakuzu asked calmly. Does he think I'm stupid?

"Your partner - " I gave a sharp flick with my head in the direction Hidan went off to. " - already told me." 

"So I assume that you are aware of what we are capable of," Kakuzu stated. "One wrong move..." He didn't need to finish the sentence. Hidan returned a little bit later. 

"There's a dumpling shop about two miles, nine o'clock," Hidan reported. "Can we just bury her and then come back, I'm starving." 

"No," Kakuzu replied sharply. "I don't want to waste any money on a couple of balls on a stick." 

"Back at it with the money, you money-loving freak," Hidan muttered irritably. "I'm hungry, though, Kakuzu! Let's go eat! We're the Akatsuki, remember? This little brat can't do anything." 

Yes, let's go eat. Maybe I can find some help at that dumpling shop. The only food that I've been fed in the last three days or so was a couple of rice balls and tuna. I was famished. 

 Kakuzu contemplated the situation, but in the end, he decided Hidan had a point. "Alright. Akari, you're paying." 

Drifting Clouds (Kidnapped by the Akatsuki) | Naruto FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now