~Chapter Thirteen~

Start from the beginning

You take your shake and plop a straw in the top as Jason pays the girl. You sip the delicious sweet vanilla shake and smile at its goodness. "Enjoy the shakes! Come again soon!" The girl says cheerfully. You both thank her as Jason takes his shake and walks with you out of the café and back into the car. "Up next! The playground at Ninjago park!" Jason says with a fistpump.

You can't help but laugh at how weird he was. Jason sighed dreamily as he drove, "You have a beautiful laugh." You stop laughing and blush. You two make it to Ninjago playground since the park was pretty close. You two unbuckle your seatbelts and grab your shakes while heading out of the car. It was 3 in the afternoon and it was pretty cold so surprisingly there were no kids playing around.

"C'mon! Let's go on the swings!!" He says and runs off. You laugh and run up to him. "C'mon! Sit down I'll push you!" You sit down on the swing and take a quick sip of your shake before putting it safely down on the ground. You hold the cold chains of the swing so you wouldn't fly off and Jason pushed you. "Woohoo!!" You said as you went up into the air and back down. You two laughed at how much fun you were having and you couldn't help but feel nostalgic from when you were young and your dad took you to the playground.

After about five minutes, Jason stops swinging you and sits on the swing next to you.
"Why are all the kids not playing on the playground today?" You ask him slowly swinging yourself back and sipping from your milkshake. "Everyone's inside with their technology...they don't come out as often as they used to." He said swinging himself slowly back and forth. You nod in understanding and look down.

"Alex?" "Yeah Jason?" "While you were on your mission, I watched from the screen, and I was scared. Scared for you. It takes guts to tell someone you're scared, but I really was, you almost got killed and I wouldn't know what to do with myself if you left." You felt heat rise up to your cheeks as you heard his words. You reach for his hand and hold it in yours. "I was scared too, scared I'd never make it back, but here I am! And I wouldn't have made it without you guys. So thanks, for being there for me." You say with a smile.

Jason smiles back, "Well no problem, I care about you." He says and you blush harder. Jason chuckles seeing your face turning crimson red, he gets up from his swing and helps you stand up. "Awe! I liked the swings!" You said and he sticks his tongue out teasingly. You giggle and rest your head on his chest since you two were really close. "Do you hear that?" He asks you. You don't hear anything at first but then you hear a pounding in his chest. You smile and look up at him, "Your heart?" You guess and he smiles and nods.

"Just being here with you makes it beat, but you know what makes it beat faster?" "What?" "When we do this." He said then connects his lips to yours. He kissed you sweet yet soft. He then let go and you smile as you lean your head on his chest again to heart his heart thumping faster than earlier. You two stand there in the sweet moment until Jason let's go and runs off on the playground. "A side!!! We gotta go on this one Alex!" He cheers as he goes up the tall slide.

You laugh and catch up to him again. You both get to the top of the slide and Jason cheers as he goes down first. "Wee!!" He says playfully and you laugh as you belly flop down the slide. When you reached the bottom you two went again, this time Jason pushed you down the slide and on the third time, you sat on his lap and you both went down. When you reached the bottom you two couldn't stop laughing.

You got off him and stood up to see anything else you used to go on. You two went on everything, the see saw, Merry-go-round, and even the monkey bars. Jason hung upside down from the bars making silly faces to you. "Hey Alex guess what!" He says and you chuckle and come closer to him. "What!" "I'm secretly Spider-Man. Thwip! Thwip!" He says and you roll your eyes and laugh as he gives you a kiss upside down. "Babe!! Get down from there! All the blood is rushing to your head!!" You said and he laughs as he flips right side up and gets down.

He wobbles a little but regains his balance. "C'mon, let's head back to my house and calm ourselves down with a movie." You suggest. "Yeah okay!" He says and you two Hold hands and return back to his car. 20 minutes later you two actually decided to watch the movie downstairs in the Samurai Z cave since the screen is way bigger.

You two set up the couch down there with a big blanket for the two of you to share. "What movie should we watch?" You ask scrolling through the downloaded movies on the computer. Jason finishes putting popcorn in a bowl and sits on the couch looking at the screen.

"Ooh! What about Jurrasic World?!" He suggests and puts the blanket over his legs. You play the movie then clap your hands loud and the lights dim down. You sit next to Jason, sharing the blanket. You cuddle closer to him and he puts his arm around you. You can't help but smile as the movie begins.

In the last chapter I wanted you to get to know Jessie more as a character, and in this chapter I wanted you guys to get to know Jason more as a character before we got into more Lloyd stuff, because trust me, this chapter is very important and will serve as a 'Flashback Chapter' which you'll see what I mean later on. (*^^*)
But yeah! Jason isn't a jerk like what you think and I wanted you guys to know that lol
And yes, I was able to squeeze some Lloyd in this chapter and he's got those kawaii Japanese emotes! Haha I thought it'd fit his character but the emotes are important too, because they show how he feels with every response Alex texts him! So comment how you think he's feeling! (^ー^)
And also! Picture at the top is of Jason! AND YES, I USED COLE BUT IF THERES AN ORIGINAL GUY CHARACTER OF MINE IN THESE STORIES IM GONNA DO A MAKEOVER ON THE NINJA! LIKE I DID WITH LLOYD IN FIRE WHO I TURNED INTO CAMERON SO #DealWithIt XD XD ANYWAYS! He's supposed to be a ginger but it was freaking hard getting the color so he ended up being a red head lol
Song is Safe In My Hands by Eli Leib (^-^)/ so it's sorta Jason's song.
And final note! (≧∇≦)I will be holding off the bonus book just for awhile since you all really want energy updated more! Haha

Energy: A Lloyd Garmadon FanficWhere stories live. Discover now