the kettle boiled. her coffee tasted different to his at home; less bitter, sweeter and with more flavour. the sun slanted into the room differently. maybe it was the way her kitchen was so small and cute and reminded him of orange sunsets and warm spices, that he smiled. it reminded him of somewhere he could call home. who knows.


baekhyun had felt glued to the spot, unable to decide whether staying or leaving was a better idea. the thought of hearing roma say his name in that soft, delicate voice again enticed him to remain in his position.

he knew, already, he was growing too attached. baekhyun couldn't place a name to the feeling, this feeling of needing. it was indescribable. just the mere sound of her voice could avert his gaze and focus to her attention, to be met with those big, twinkling blue eyes and those pouting, red lips. the way her lips would slowly curve to form a soft smile to reassure him. and herself.

she scared him.

it scared him that the only way he could stop it, was to be around her; near her. the lights. too bright. always. last night. all of the time.

but she also provoked it. the way her deep, blue orbs would penetrate his vision, look right at him, sincerity masking her fear. the other night, in the bar, when her hand had rested gently across his knuckles, making him feel like someone actually cared, gave a shit about him. for once.

it was all roma.

perhaps it was a need, something that overpowered desire. or maybe he was over-exaggerating. baekhyun wasn't sure how to combat it. he ran a hand through his soft tufts of hair, contemplating. although he wanted to see her, he half-hoped that she was still soundly sleeping, chest heaving, so he wouldn't have to face her before he left.

he needed to make a decision.

baekhyun put down his coffee. his heavy feet were dragged across the laminate flooring, back to the bedroom. he couldn't help but sigh in relief and allow his lips to lift at the corners at the sight of her resting form, now lying fully on her back, the sheets twisted in between her pale legs.

he wanted to stay.

but he knew he had to go.

baekhyun sighed. began to gather his things, concealing his bare chest with his creased t-shirt and leather jacket. baekhyun was reminded, once again, of his previous activities, the faint remnants of blood having stained the white material. he ignored it. pulled on his boots.

roma looked so beautiful. baekhyun didn't want to leave.

he'd noticed, from the other day, the endless piles of paper she had overflowing on her desk, spilling over the plant pots and notepads. he had grabbed a piece of paper, ripped off a corner, took a pencil and wrote her a note.

upon leaving it on her bedside table, he leant down and pressed a light kiss to her forehead. she moved slightly, inhaled a deep breath. he smiled. light patterned her pale features.

the sun had still been shining and slanting in as he'd left through the front door, making sure not to slam it, make too much noise.

outside, it was warm and humid. pleasant. enough so for him to comfortably tread his way home through the bustling, summer streets. he attempted to keep the attention he drew to a minimum, hoping the yellow light wouldn't bring a central focus to the inflicted damages, morning irradiance highlighting the scarlet wounds.

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