Luffy, Please Help Me

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"ARLONG!! ARLONG! ARLONG!! ARRLOONNG!!" Nami cries as she stabs her left shoulder. Blood streams from the disembodied tattoo as she plunges a nearby knife into the exact spot of the mark of Arlong's men. She screams his name with every blow inflicted on this hatred inking.

A hand stops her just before another stab. Luffy tosses the bloody knife to the side. Tears escape Nami's eyes and she covers her mouth with her hand. "Luffy," Nami pleads and tilts her head towards him,"please help me."

"That's exactly what is planned," he replies with a smug smirk. Luffy removes his straw hat and places it on Nami's head. He walks away and leaves Nami on her knees in the dirt road of the deserted town. He turns his head and sees Nami drying her tears with a quivering smile.


I finally see Luffy's figure come into view and relax a little with a sigh of relief. As he joins the others he sees me. "Oi! Why does Roshunai-chan get to be on the roof?" He blurts.

"You idiot!! Luffy, she's backup! Don't blow her cover. Bakka!" Zoro yells at him.

"Yosh! Why are your strings wound so tight, Zoro?" Usopp intrudes. He walks on as the rest of them. I can't help but giggle.

"My 'strings' are wound tightly because I don't want Roshunai getting hurt!" Zoro vents. I hadn't realized that's why he hesitated to let me do this.

I clamber to the back of the roof, where the multiple stories of shacks guard my view. I take a deep breath. Can I do this? How do I know if I'm ready? My stomach jumps and I feel sick. Whatever fear I have, I must push through it.

"What do you inferiors want?" Arlong asks snidely.

"I'm gonna kill you!"Luffy explains, determination clearly visible. Sanji takes another cigarette and smokes it. Zoro gives me a stern, cautious stare. I return his stare but with a more relaxed look. I can see his whole posture go from uptight to not so tense.

"That's very flattering of you to think you could do that. But it's impossible, we're indestructible," Arlong chuckles obnoxiously.

"Say that to the man that slaughtered more than half of you're men," Zoro chimes in. Hachi, the pot-octoman, hears this and becomes enraged.

"YOU!! You lied to me!! You slaughtered my brothers?!" He billows. While Zoro handles him, Sanji takes on a manta ray looking merman.

"How dare you make a woman cry?" Sanji threatens.

"Nami? A WOMAN? Ha, please, don't make me laugh!" Arlong scoffs. Arlong orders the men to fight. Sanji uses kicks and jumps to fend off the man but all he does is knock him out for awhile. Zoro and Luffy are concentrated on Hachi. Luffy stomps both of his feet into the concrete and twists his body countless times.

"HACHAN-INK!!" The octopus shouts as he squirts ink in their direction. He grapples to the support beams and teases them.

"Luffy! What are you doing?!" Zoro yells and jumps out of the way.

"Gahhh!! I got inked!! That's not fair, I'm stuck!!" Luffy wails. I hop along the roof and throw a couple of stars at Hachi's hands which make him fall.

"What the heck?!" He exclaims. Blood oozes from the cuts and he starts whining. "Attacking from afar isn't fair!!"

"Try practicing what you preach, octopus," Zoro glances at me. I giggle accidentally.

"What was that?" Arlong says, standing up. "Did I just hear something on the roof?"

"What did you hear, Lord Arlong?" The manta asks.

"The giggling, of a girl." He climbs up one of the beams and jumps to the roof. I quietly swing across the beams and hide in the bushes below. "I guess there's no one here," he turns on his giant heels and returns to his chair to 'relax and enjoy show'.

I return to my position atop the roof. Zoro gives me another concerned glance. I return a subtle look and mouth him reassuring words. "I'm not hurt, it's okay. Don't worry."

He smiles uneasily and shouts at Usopp. "I'm stuck!" Luffy yells. Arlong looks as though he's contemplating something. He stands and shoves his hands into the concrete around Luffy's feet.

"Hey!! What are you doing?" Luffy complains.

"I've decided to make things a little more . . . interesting." He picks him up and raises him high above his head. "Everyone knows that a person with the power of one of the various devil fruits is a dead weight in the ocean."

Just before I can do anything, he's thrown in the ocean and everything goes black.

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