No Wonder

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I woke up the next day with a pounding headache. Sanji brought me a greasy breakfast in bed because Zoro said that's what helps him with hangovers. I tried following all of his advice but I still felt miserable. Who let me drink all that booze anyway?

"You feeling any better?" Zoro teased with a slight grin while he stood in the doorway to the bathroom. I was hunched over the toilet and puking my guts out.

"Don't make fun of me. I might be hung over, but I can still kick your ass," I said with a cocky smirk before returning to the task of emptying out my stomach.

"I'll, uh, go get Sanji to make you something to drink," the moss head replied as he backed away.

After only being up for a few hours, my eyes were heavy and my body ached. Zoro returned with a fruit punch cocktail in his hand. He squatted down to pull me back up.

"Here, it has a little bit of alcohol in it. Since you drank all that whiskey straight, it'll help ease you off of it."

I nodded and took a sip of the drink. It was tangy and sweet, just as one would expect. "Yo, carry me to the kitchen, I'm hungry," I demanded while leaning into the swordsman's shoulder. He groaned and slung me over his shoulder gently, making careful that I didn't stain his white shirt with my cocktail.

He sat me down in the kitchen in front of Sanji, who was glaring at him in the process of wiping down the counter.

"I'm hungry, Sanji-kun. Make me something to eat, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaase?"

He grinned and began cooking something random. I didn't mind because his food is amazing no matter what.

"Are you feeling any better, Ro-chan?" he asked.

"Well, my stomach is still hurting but-"

"That's not what I meant," he interrupted me.

"Oh, uh, I guess I haven't had much time to think about that. I guess I'm better but I had no idea what was wrong in the first place."

He nodded in understanding as he placed the plate of stir-fry in front of me. I ate it slowly in case I felt the urge to run to the bathroom to puke. It was delicious all the same.

"Thanks Sanji-kun!" I giggled and kissed his cheek. Zoro glared daggers at him as he followed me through the door.

I ran around the deck a few times to get my blood flowing. Zoro had to chase me to get me to stop.

"You're acting... happy," he said in a confused tone. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, so what? I feel better now!" I laughed and punched him playfully. We spent the rest of the day in the crows nest. We made fun of Luffy's reactions when Usopp would test out one of his new slingshot pellets. We laughed at Sanji who was making, yet again, another hopeless attempt at flirting with Nami.

"He'll never give up with either of you," Zoro laughed. I agreed with him, but part of me felt bad for Sanji. He was a charmer, and he was easy- VERY EASY on the eyes. But no matter how much he tried, he could never get either of us to like him.

"I dunno. He's just lonely... like me."

He was shocked at first by my words. I gazed out upon the sunset and sighed. He looked at me with soft eyes. He could see the compassion within me that I had for everything and everyone. He was smiling to himself and he looked out upon the same spot in the ocean where I rested my eyes. It was where the sunset met the water. The most beautiful place in a sunset.

"Roshunai... I... I love you," Zoro blurted. I just stared at the sunset still, afraid to see his face. There was no way his words were true. He was kidding. He was saying it to make me feel better.

"I really, really do. I don't see any other way to put it, either," he muttered.

Without thinking, I quickly replied, "I guess I love you too." I smiled softly. A soft pair of lips were placed on my cheek and then his returned his gaze to the horizon.

I hummed softly and rested my head on his shoulder. "What are you doing?" Zoro complained.

"What does it look like?" I retorted with a smart-ass tone.

"Just 'cause of what I said doesn't mean you have to go and get all mushy with that lovey-dovey crap.

"The last time I checked, you were the one who kissed me."

"Whatever," he muttered. I went down to the main deck after that and left Zoro in the nest.

I went to go find Nami. I heard a faint sound of crying coming from her room.

"N-Nami-chan? What's wrong?"

"Y-you don't know?"

I shook my head. I didn't understand.

"Yesterday was the anniversary of Bellemere's death," she muttered.

I cast my eyes down as I wrapped my arms around her. No wonder I was so depressed yesterday.

"Do you think that's what it was? Yesterday, I mean?"

Nami sniffled and nodded. "Probably," she said in a voice so soft it was almost a whisper. I told her to stay there and I went to get Sanji.

"Sanji-kun?!" I shouted. Seconds passed and he came running.

"Yes, my love?"

"Help me cook dinner for Nami. The same one we had when you first met me."

He agreed but looked puzzled. "Yesterday was the anniversary of our mother's death. I want to make her feel better," I smiled. He returned the smile and we began cooking.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2015 ⏰

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