~15~ What Is Her Name ~15~

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The strange new way of life was getting to Jessica and she was starting to question Sam and his behavior. She had spent the last week wondering why he hadn't even said one word to her other than 'good morning, good night, and I love you.' It was odd and not like him. Sure he had asked her for sex a few times and she obliged but it wasn't like their usual lovemaking.

It wasn't even as if he was trying to pay attention to her, it was like he had to do it. It was rushed and meaningless, it wasn't even pleasurable. It almost hurt more that he was absent, almost entirely, then it did when he was only fucking her for his own pleasure. Even then he was rough and almost cruel, and now he was emotionless and cold. She began to question herself. What had she done, what hadn't she done, why wasn't she making him happy? She fought with herself all week until she was physically ill.

When Friday rolled around and it was time for him to leave it was bitter sweet. She paced the room and wondered how she should react. Should she be happy or upset, should she be worried or just not care? The cruel fact of it all was that she did care. She cared very much in fact. He would be gone for two whole days, doing god knows what with god knows who... Oh god, that's it. That is what has been wrong.

It hit her all at once the realization that she had been looking for all week. The reason her sheets had been changed, the reason he cared so much at first and now so little. Everything was lining up, he hadn't been upset with her being gone longer than expected, he was so sweet to her when she returned, and he asked no questions. He was sleeping around again.

Jessica looked around the room in a panic. What was she to say, how was she supposed to react. Of course she was lived but at the same time she was afraid. She was afraid of what he would do if she reacted. How could she care now. She had grown tired of the games and the lies. was this really what her life had come to, being the doormat to a man how used her and cared more about himself than he did her?

She had made up her mind and this time she was going to stand her ground, this time she wasn't going to let him walk all over her. She had a reason to be strong and that reason had shown her she was worth it , weather she always believed it or not. This time she would be the one to fight and this time she would win, no matter how much it hurt.


Sam walked threw the front door and the house was quiet. He called out for Jessica and there was no answer. He looked in the kitchen and living room on his way to the stairs but no sign of her. Calling for her again he made his way up the stairs to the landing. When he was answered yet again with silence he made his way to the bedroom. Opening the door he found it too empty.

"Jessie? Honey are you up here?" he asked throwing his jacket on the freshly made bed. The bathroom door opened and Jessica stood in the door frame emotionless. She stared at him for a moment and he only smiled. Moving towards her he laughed and held his arms open to hold her.

"Oh honey don't be mad ill be back on Monday." he whispered to comfort her. She didn't reply she only moved past him into the bedroom.

"Jessie its only two days. Come on now don't act like this." his voice grew louder almost impatient. Again Jessica said nothing, she picked up his jacket airing it in one swift motion as she glared at him. She hung up the jacket and walked back into the bathroom, making a point at avoiding his touch.

Sam followed her with his eyes turning on his heals to watch her. "Jessica would you talk to me?" he held himself between the the door frame. She looked over at him and back down at the sink below her. They stood in silence for a moment Sam staring at Jessica and Jessica busying herself with cleaning.

"For Christ sake Jess." Sam ducked his head and began to go on. Jessica cut him off and looked up into the mirror supporting herself on the sink while griping the counter whit knuckled.

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