Andre: A Problem

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A Problem

Is really just a solution

in need of a reason to exist.

If you think about it,


would be kind of boring

if it were completely free

of friction. Each day


choices. Turn this way, it’s

a downhill coast. Turn that

way, you will stumble across


Some are easily conquered.

Some require intelligence,

will, and perseverance

                                                        to overcome.

To win is to prosper.

The game is defeating doubt.

And the fun is in the game

Today's Game

Was faking my way through a trig

test. I probably passed,

but just barely. Trig? What for? Not

like I’ll need it beyond June, except

to have it, with a C

or (unlikely) slightly better grade

on my transcript. Okay, my mom might

argue that I’ll want to

know math for a future career. She uses

it all the time, calculating body fat

percentages and how

many millimeters of bone to remove

or skin to tighten to achieve the desired

effect. Not to mention

how much anesthesia per pound

of person will allow said person to wake

up from deep sleep

and walk out, covered in bandages, alive.

And Dad utilizes the ol’ calculator

to figure price points

and down payments and monthly

fees, and whether or not a prospective

client’s take-home

salary can cover those things, at least

on paper. But if I had to follow in either

of their footsteps,

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